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Tuesday 06 May, 2014 | RSS Feed

Improving the capacity of male human eat grapes have such benefi

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Improving the capacity of male human eat grapes have such benefits Eat grapes not only healthy, but also can enhance sexual desire, it is easier to get an orgasm. Recently, published in the journal health life, according to a report of eating grapes, drinking a moderate amount of wine can help regulate sexual function, enhance sexual feelings. Researchers at the university of surrey in London conducted the study. They found that areas of the brain sex hormone is sensitive to glucose levels. When lack of glucose in the human body, it is easy to appear tired, the problem of low sexual desire, and grape sugar is mainly in the glucose, can quickly absorbed by the body. When the body appear hypoglycemia, if timely drinking grape juice, can quickly make the symptoms. At the same time, French scientists study found that grape can prevent thrombosis, lower serum cholesterol levels, the human body reduce the cohesion of platelets, keep clear of blood vessels, which can help reduce the incidence of male erectile dysfunction. In addition. Grapes contain flavonoids is a kind of powerful antioxidant, can resist aging, keeping youth and passion. 80% of the world's grapes are used for wine, women daily drinking wine, appropriate can also help delay the arrival of menopause, make sex more happy. Grapes are extremely rich nutrition. According to nutritionists science of raisins (various classes of fresh grapes berries nutrition average is three or so), each hectogram including protein 3.1 grams, 0.5 grams fat, carbohydrates, 69 grams, can produce a quantity of heat of 293 kilocalorie, 57 mg calcium, phosphorus 140 mg, 3.8 mg of iron, etc. Its nutritional value almost the same red jujube, longan. TCM holds that grape beneficial gas blood tonic, thirst quenching, spleen and diuresis, can help to flush out toxins. Market fresh grapes, colourful, red, white and green purple black. Little imagine all kinds of nutritious and medicinal particular though. Red grapes contain reverse enzyme, can soften blood vessels, huoxue huayu, prevent thrombosis, cardiovascular patients should be eating more; Reverse enzyme in red grape lining content is the most abundant, even the best skin eat together. White grape with lung qi, runfei effect and is very suitable for cough, respiratory system disease of human consumption.

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