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Monday 07 April, 2014 | RSS Feed

Three big magic of sex tips

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Sex, we always ask ourselves how can let the woman in front of you turn pale? But along with the increase in sex, seems we haven't been to solve these problems. However, the master had the same experience, but, they have solved these problems by his own command. To solve these problems, the following is the best sex of three forms: Plate seated He cross legs and sit, you face him, sitting in his middle, surrounded by the legs slightly bent his hips, arms tightly each other or back, and back and forth motion, speed up close to orgasm. Advantages: the two sides can control the speed at the same time, can slowly first, suddenly accelerate or enhance the depth of the insert, and then slow to prolong orgasm before pleasure. This position more easily and can form a stimulus risks nuclear Angle. Stand of You stood against the wall, their legs apart slightly, to him, by his lift your legs on his hip, elevate your body, then twist. Advantage: as long as there is a wall, you can be in any place for intimacy with him. In addition, because your legs crossed, narrowing the vagina, which can increase his pleasure. swinging In the swing position, the woman lying down, the legs on the male one shoulder, men kneeling inserted. This pose and taking Huang Longshi somewhat similar, they insert depth is deep, can make men were enough to enjoy pleasure. Of course, if male penis is too big, is another matter. This position on many occasions can try, and it changes a lot, with the two people is very main.

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