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Sunday 30 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Happy harmonious sex to build a good marriage

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A harmonious sex life, need to the combined efforts of men and women both parties. No matter which side to sexual life, the lack of knowledge or unwilling to affect sexual harmony. From sexual psychological terms, women are more likely to cause disharmony. Many women are afraid of the other belittle yourself, try very hard to suppress the real response and emotions, to show the lofty and self-respect. Some women strong conservative views, think sex is to obligations, a negative, passive attitude. Female talent is shy, reserved, timid and negative psychological trigger resistance and acceleration excited. Hope they consciously from these mental shackles is not realistic, especially minority women in premarital sexual desire is very weak, is more difficult to get rid of this trouble. ? male sexual response characteristic determines their sexual desire strong, always can inspire and rapid progress to complete the degree of excitement. And women before and after ovulation or premenstrual only will be the climax of sexual desire strong, even so, they are thrilled and excited than men slowly and hidden. Both sexes Happy harmonious sex life will pay attention to the following: both sides want to sexual desire and impulse, not forced. Concentration on both sides, don't distracted. Both sexual excitement, sex euphoric mood should be infected with each other, and excited by each other. Such as expression, posture, language and tone. Love the people love to get to know each other and make each other happy, give and provide each other with all you need. Love, need time, need to sincerely treat each other, need to communicate feelings quickly. Only built on the basis of understanding and respect, and fully understand the knowledge, husband and wife can happy happy harmonious life. In a word, can maintain a good sex life, will no doubt is of great benefit to health of husband and wife. Abroad survey, separated or divorced women than married women are more likely to infectious diseases is due to their immunity is low, their ex-husband tend to poor health. The survey also showed that some still keep the marriage relationship but bad immunity tend to score less r or divorcee. Visible, a good marriage, harmonious sexual life is very important for health.

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