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Friday 28 August, 2015 | RSS Feed

Men fight time 5.4 minutes on average for making love

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During sex, the male "strong" length directly affects the dignity of men.Especially now so open concept in sex "in the society, women had great expectations for this aspect.Many men think the premature ejaculation, actually can't see the length.Male in outpatient service, experts often meet some men think the premature ejaculation, but it's overdone, the normal mistaken for abnormal.In fact, the world men averaging 5.4 minutes, combat time also is whether it is premature ejaculation can't judge by length of time.If it is premature ejaculation, the expert consensus is behavior therapy with drug therapy, and some of the medical institution for the penile dorsal neurotomy of premature ejaculation, not only the effect is not exact, is more likely to lead to loss of sexual pleasure, numb, or even "waste", male experts do not recommend this.Premature ejaculation or not Can't see the length of timeFrom the perspective of the evolution of human sexual life time is extended.As mammals, tigers, leopards, for fear of attack, sexual life time is very short, but beg to achieve the purpose of reproduction.But now people pay more attention to sexual pleasure, and open concept, information developed, people demand higher about sex.Deng jun hong had some young men, that your sex life can only adhere to the five minutes is a sign of premature ejaculation, even some people think that half an hour can't be satisfied, "because when communicate with peers, the other two of his friends said to stick to an hour.""In fact, the definition of premature ejaculation is not so simple. If, in accordance with strict definition, so is every male premature ejaculation."Deng jun hong explained that if according to the definition of "to randomly control ejaculation", for example, only 10% can be achieved.Small in the movie the so fierce men actually does not see more.The truth is, the latest survey, from into the vagina to ejaculate, men of the world's average time was 5.4 minutes.He introduces, in general, the definition of primary premature ejaculation is the penis enter less than 1 minute or twitch less than 20 times ejaculation, because other ill effects caused by secondary premature ejaculation, definition is less than 3 minutes after entering the vagina or twitch 60 ~ 100 times less than the ejaculation.But he stressed that the current definition of premature ejaculation, to see the time has not completely to comprehensive ejaculation latency, adhere to the time, personal control of ejaculation time (if you can want to shoot when they shoot), psychological feelings (whether feel upset and frustrating), whether to affect relationship (e.g., lead to dissatisfaction with each other, the two sides split), and other factors to consider.Since the 5 questions in the assessment can help the patients.It is important to note that if the "end of combat" soon appeared only in certain cases, such as cheating, in unusual places, etc., also cannot be considered a premature ejaculation, for fear of being found mental subconsciously will "quick fix".The two sides cooperate with behavior therapy to treat premature ejaculationPenile dorsal neurotomy rise for 67 years, but as a male science branch of guangdong medical association vice chairman deng jun hong, haven't done for the patient.He said that for patients with premature ejaculation, foreign popular behavior therapy.Such as stop moving method: partner to help stimulate the penis, when patients have ejaculation impulses that beckoned to stop, after being impulsive disappeared again;Squeeze method: the patients before ejaculation, partner squash with the hand the glans penis.The above methods are usually need complete climax after three cycles.Another is masturbation again after first had sex, due to refractory period, ejaculation latency period will be extended, but will make the prostate hyperemia repeatedly, in a short time if add drink, fatigue and other factors, is easy to cause aseptic prostatitis."Behavioral therapy, however, need to partner cooperation, step by step, different from the Chinese and foreign culture, Chinese people like straight into the theme, young men may be more embarrassed to let partners to help themselves."Deng jun hong suggests, that is about to exercise myself more peaceful on mentality, such as practice calligraphy, tai chi, etc.Also advises couples both sides should properly understand the scientific knowledge, avoid misunderstanding will be normal for premature ejaculation, occasional premature ejaculation, the woman to help the man to eliminate fear and tension.

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