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Thursday 27 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Couples sexual pleasure meet depends on his wife

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Couples sexual pleasure in sexual life satisfaction depends on his wife. Because she can be a hint, a gesture, a gesture, a turn around, a smile, a trivial thoughts and deeds, such as an action to speed up, increase, increasing, deepening, the effect of this kind of sex, her husband can clearly feel his wife's natural reaction... Many theories of sex, the female sexual awakening must depend on men. The gender sexual arousal and sexual behavior has a certain difference. Because of male sexual desire is not affected by hormones, and very easily by visual evoked. Male sexual behavior in terms of sexual behavior is a kind of enterprising, impulsive behavior. Whereas the female sexual behavior is not "independent", because only the male sexual impulse can achieve gender sexual behavior. Women's sexual behavior is a kind of easy, thirst for passive behavior. However, more sex is proved. Sex is satisfactory, and closely cooperate to both sides of husband and wife, not women's active and reference to cooperate, it's hard to imagine that sex can run smoothly. Men want to have an orgasm, need women caused by sexual arousal and height of vaginal lubrication and other match all action, otherwise, male ejaculation reaction also possibility sensation is very poor. Whereas for women can also cause the feeling of pain whether female sexual life with initiative can be said to be the real life husband and wife is the key to harmonious sex life. So. Couples to obtain a complete and harmonious sex, women should use your head, more form due to many factors of passive waiting, beyond, digging their own potential advantages, to actively shape sex. Take advantage of you, mould sex seditious feeling atmosphere So-called complained during sex, or after sex, their psychological feeling and physiological feelings and their own desire asked bluntly told her husband. Both, the ancient houses and modern sexology practice proves that the language exchange for sex life of husband and wife have to emotional effect when the big fire. Among women in the sex life, although has been thought of as a passive role, but her sexual response than attack ACTS as a role of men is much more agile and smart. Make love to her husband's action even though only a word phrase, its effect is very significant. However, a woman who are not good at telling sex, after having sex or sex, have been silent, not difficult to imagine the almost mechanical movement of the sexual life what patella lasting appeal and pleasure, so women active in sex, is an irreplaceable overdosage "doping". Unfortunately, many women have a very strange mind, they think that women are passive nature, women born should be passive accept a honeyed words. If the feelings of her active sex or require complained to her husband, not only against moral, more some "immorality". If marry is not a civilized husband, might therefore mixed marriage "yellow"? Besides, even if she can open to take the initiative to their own sexual feelings or require complained to her husband, that is not himself "followed" of life, and her husband is a passive "battle". If that's the case, that means the husband feelings for her is "water" - why he didn't expect that he should think of now that the essence of love why doesn't she play man active attack, satisfy the vanity of woman? Sex, also there are some husband too careless, for his wife v. hi-tech development zone about sexual feelings or needs, to slow or perfunctory, or paid no heed not the wife into a very disappointed, sad, pain, sad feeling. Than, for example, you are ready to have sex with his wife's caress stage, the wife may suddenly put forward some requirements for you, but in the longing for love ripples hungry of you, probably did made according to the requirement of the wife, but not in meaning. In sex and omitted this made her stimulus programs, so she will to you showed great discontent, she might think you're too stupid, may think you are too selfish, even thought you don't love her, and so on. In fact, the husband is very smart, isn't he in the clouds, more than his spirit, the key is he need you constantly education often how he "operation", don't break to tell what you think, what you need, where you need to, what time do you need, you need to her husband how to do, and so on. Only in this way you will feel very intoxicated with the joy, happiness,. A wife is good at telling, through constantly complained for a long time, can discover her sex life is becoming more and more glamorous moist, moment is permeated with the breath of spring of love.

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