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Wednesday 12 August, 2015 | RSS Feed

What are the advantages of man naked sleep

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Many men have the habit of naked sleep at night, naked sleep can cast off the yoke of the clothes, give yourself a light touch.What are the benefits that men naked sleep?Along with the small make up together and see it right now!Many a man like naked sleep, because the body does not have at home, so what are the good man naked sleep?Man naked sleep should pay attention to what issues?What are the advantages of man naked sleep?1, in addition to the naked sleep when the bondage of clothing on the body, give a person a kind of relaxed comfort.2, naked sleep increased skin contact with air, is good for the circulation of the blood and the sebaceous glands, sweat gland secretion, so naked sleep helps to relax, eliminate fatigue.3, naked sleep of insomnia, headaches, diarrhea diseases are helpful.4, strip but sleep is good for blood circulation, make the stretch amidst a Yang in, but if with dress but sleep, wear some more fashionable corsets, in particular, are likely to affect the qi and blood circulation, make the sun be the spirit is inhibited, no more benefit for sexual function.5, the pants are too tight, will make raise the temperature of the scrotum, cause sperm production and developmental disorders, reduce the male sexual ability, briefs to genital with intense friction and oppression, result in erectile dysfunction, spermatorrhea, affect the normal blood circulation and essence.Naked sleep can let testicular temperature drop, sperm become more lively, sexual desire will increase.6, the abundant sun be the spirit, qi and blood of young and middle-aged, thicker, body and legs more fat male friend, often wake up to find groin and thigh and other privacy, sweat more.Sleep underwear absorb sweat and secretions, airtight parts easy to damp and propagation of bacteria breeding, gathered for a long time, lead to damp and hot, wet sores itching.In summer, the wet underwear are more likely to increase the chances of pathogens enter the urethra, or even cause infection of urinary system and reproductive organs.While choosing naked sleep can avoid these problems, enhance the secretion of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands, is conducive to the elimination of the skin and heat dissipation, revoke the itch unwell.Man naked sleep four considerations1, pay attention to the private parts of healthBoth men and women, health is the basic of private parts, if you don't pay attention, will be put on the germs stay in bed today, tomorrow naked sleep had the invaders.If tomorrow still don't pay attention to clean, bacteria accumulate on the bed again tomorrow, day after day, your defense capability of the reproductive system has to carry not to live.So, bear in mind that individual reproductive health.2, be sure to keep warmMen naked sleep must pay attention to keep warm, adjust the temperature and humidity of the bedroom, avoid catch cold catch cold and sweating in the end, the hardness of the bed wants moderate, mattress to clean, soft, often clean and exposure to sunlight.3, good living environmentShare or collective life in the house is too small, family is not appropriate to adopt, as tensions will lead to the opposite effect.It is best to have a relatively hidden, independent of the environment.Second, living environment to a comfortable temperature, air flow, quiet and comfortable, so we can relax on thought, construct a good sleep.4, sex to temperateThe number of naked sleep and sex is linked.Sex is frequent, often in bedding.Whatever the reason, after a sex sheets are dirty, of course, also don't need to change, a time for summer sweat sex couples, if love naked sleep again, will be diligent in bedding.

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