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Monday 10 August, 2015 | RSS Feed

Reveal body orgasm response differences between men and women

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Orgasm is one of the body experience stimulation reflex, usually accompanied by feeling happy or pleasure, will climax sexual arousal body appear when increased blood flow to the genitals and muscle tension increased physiological reaction, all of a sudden release of the original a build-up of stress, the body back to arouse the form.The physical structure of men and women are different, then the corresponding high reaction is different also, but the whole body reaction.Can say this is a very "pediatrics" problem, but in China, the word is appeared in books and newspapers and magazines only after reform and opening up, until now still have a lot of woman ashamed, hang it in their mouth.So there are a lot of people see and hear the word just to think about this question, the hard to avoid wondering whether orgasm.It should be said that everyone in their own way, to different extent, from time to time to explore and experience orgasm, and high performance natural also is protean, colorful, some people call the bed to the neighbor on the pipe protest even alarm, others in bed NianBuJi carp DaTing release yourself, some people may put singles wet a large bed, some people may be just gently shaking for a while.Orgasm is one of the body experience stimulation reflex, usually accompanied by feeling happy or pleasure, will climax sexual arousal body appear when increased blood flow to the genitals and muscle tension increased physiological reaction, all of a sudden release of the original a build-up of stress, the body back to arouse the form.The physical structure of men and women are different, then the corresponding high reaction is different also, but the whole body reaction.For men, and their penis, urethra, prostate, seminal vesicle, pelvic muscles and anus rhythmic contraction, usually accompanied by ejaculation.The woman is different, the lower shrinkage occurs in the vagina, uterus, and anus.However, the part of the contract and you experience the feeling of are two different things, everyone's orgasms and a person's feeling is different between each orgasm, such as breathing rate, degree of warm feeling, sweating, tremor, consciousness of the body change, moan or call bed desires or requirements are an orgasm.Both sexes sexually sensitive area, and is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation, stimulation of these areas could be used to arouse and orgasm.Sensitive area of individual difference is very big also.Their description includes:"I feel very excited, from head to toe so nervous, stretched tightly, and wish not to.""If not just touch the genitals all get touch stimulation, but, I especially easy to arouse and orgasm.""Orgasm, even my toes cramps up like a cramp, then my whole body feel.""I don't know how to describe it, but I know I to the climax, that kind of feeling really to force."Male orgasm is generally associated with ejaculation, women can also be accompanied by the ejaculation.Some people don't know if they have an orgasm is understandable, such as sexual feeling very weak and may not feel orgasm, it is important to focus on and enjoy the process.Like now, although there are some men to ejaculate every time, also can have children, but no orgasm complained that semen not shoot but outflow, masturbation and puberty before she got married in the process of touch that kind of feeling is gone now, but really it's only a cognitive problems rather than what's wrong with.The climax of men and women actually should be learned by oneself fumble.If really didn't have an orgasm, then to explore good, again and again over again, three, until success.Really not line, oscillator and not have to seek treatment.

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