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Tuesday 04 August, 2015 | RSS Feed

How to adjust the vitality of the male sperm

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A man's sperm for pregnancy, the health effects of family men how to regulate more healthy sperm.The first thought is diet, men's health sperm can regulate restored to health through diet.So, male sperm how to recuperate?And see it together.1, foods rich in amino acids can help benefit kidney essence, this kind of food is eel and loach, silkworm chrysalis, chicken, sea cucumber, cuttlefish, octopus, frozen bean curd, laver, peas, etc.2, animal innards contains more cholesterol and cholesterol is important raw material for the synthesis of sex hormones, and also contains the adrenaline and sex hormone can promote the spermatagonial cells division and mature, so the right amount edible animal internal organs, is beneficial to improve the level of testosterone, increase in the volume semen points will, improve sexual function.3, zinc foods for the male reproductive system to maintain the structure and function of the normal play an important role, zinc deficiency can make to reduce the number of sperm, and affect sexual desire, zinc content high food have oyster meat, beef, milk, chicken, chicken liver, egg yolk, shellfish, peanuts, corn, potato, vegetables, brown sugar, etc.4, the calcium ions in calcium food can stimulate sperm maturation, calcium-rich foods have dried small shrimps, salted eggs, egg yolks, dairy, soy, seaweed, sesame paste, etc.The male sperm how to recuperate?Four kinds of diet therapy help male sperm health conditioning, let husband and wife have conceived on the agenda.But diet takes time, not to rush, otherwise will endanger the health of sperm, male friends must diet health science. male sex enhancement pills

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