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Thursday 27 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Men with dental beware of erectile dysfunction

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Dental disease and male erectile dysfunction (ED) are linked to each other. Turkey, a new study found that men with severe gum disease, the risk of erectile dysfunction will double. Turkey ino's university researchers on a group of men with erectile dysfunction and a set of normal sexual function of male participants has carried on the comparative study. It was found that in men with erectile dysfunction, 53% develop severe gum disease; And in the comparison group of healthy men, serious dental disease incidence is only 23%. Researchers analysis pointed out that dental disease occurs, the bacteria through the gum haemorrhage of into the blood system, damage blood vessels and arteries, leading to hardening of the arteries narrow, and thus affect the penis included all of the normal blood supply of organs, damage the erectile function. To this, Dr Nigel carter, chief executive of the British dental health foundation, pointed out that oral health is closely related to sex, men should pay special attention to oral health, pay attention to the dental disease symptoms, such as gum bleeding, bad breath, loose teeth, gum swelling or shrinking, dental plaque and dental calculus, once there was a problem in a timely manner, so as not to affect life of husband and wife.

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