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Wednesday 08 July, 2015 | RSS Feed

Masturbation right actually cure method

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Masturbation is a kind of self to obtain sexual pleasure unilaterally sexual behavior.According to the survey, 94% of men and 85% of women confessed to have masturbation behavior.About masturbation relationship with health problems, always there are many controversial.By hosted by the institute of public health at the university of Sydney in Australia, a new study has found it can prevent and treat various diseases, help to health of body and mind.1. Masturbation helps anti-inflammatory.Although female masturbation, sexual arousal can lead to cervical mouth open, but that doesn't will increase the risk of disease, on the contrary, can also help prevent cervicitis and urinary tract infections.Masturbation can also be a stretch training effect of the cervix and the cervical mucosa, promote body fluid circulation, the cervical erosion to bacteria.2. It can prevent diabetes.The new study also found that masturbation can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.This is because masturbation is beneficial to improve the overall level of health.3. Masturbation can cure insomnia.Masturbation can regulate hormone levels and alleviate intense sentiment, thus reducing the occurrence of insomnia.Masturbation make pressures ease of body and mind, not only to have an orgasm can also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.4. It can prevent cancer.Several studies have shown that men often have sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.The reason is that in the process of sex, many toxins in prostate can be released in a timely manner.5. It can prevent depression.Masturbation can improve the level of happiness hormone endorphin, at the same time make the cortisol levels increased slightly, and then make the immune system health improves.It all helps to prevent and relieve depression.6. Lower blood pressure.Masturbation is the easiest way to maximize the climax.Often reach and sex orgasm can lower blood pressure. wholesale male enhancement pills

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