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Tuesday 07 July, 2015 | RSS Feed

sedentary will lead to male sperm poor quality and easy to infe

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Sitting on the harm of the body, especially a male friend, sedentary cause semen is unqualified, severe cases of infertility consequences, so, how to make sperm back to normal?, according to the chongqing business daily reports in one university of chongqing 20 boys meet to family planning institute male fertility monitoring center in chongqing, half of them were identified as semen unqualified result, the main problem is low sperm density, vigor and malformation rate is high, which means they can all be infertile patients.Male infertility is at present increasing, a lot of reasons related to the poor quality of sperm, sperm less.Tiny position variations such as drivers, office white-collar work, scrotal overheating extremely easily, thus affecting the testicular sperm production function.Hospital obstetrics and gynecology chun-yan yuan doctor pointed out that in men's sperm are generally under the condition of 35.5 ~ 36.5 ? to normal growth, and maintain a sitting posture for a long time, part temperature of the scrotum, testicular produces pathological damage, causing testicular sperm production ability to drop, number of sperm decrease, energy reducing, forming weak sperm disease, easy to cause infertility.Doctors warn that childless men, especially men, poor testicular sperm production function can't sedentary, standing breaks every 30 minutes, to promote blood circulation of body and genitals. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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