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Thursday 02 July, 2015 | RSS Feed

Little common sense of sex

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Finished all kinds of things do you know about sex?Are you sure you don't know.U.S. news aggregator on December 25, to popularize the 23 thing you must know about sex, take a look at is what thing.Kegel exercises is good for both men and womenYou may have heard many times about the importance of kegel exercises, but it seems that only women do.However, you must know, men should also do it.A new study shows that kegel exercises for men premature ejaculation have very good effect.By contracting the perineal muscles (the muscle between the genitalia and anus), can make you better control of the bladder, and orgasm will be much stronger.The degree of smokers erectile weakerResearch has shown that non-smokers even occasionally one of them is will lower genital response ability.Another interesting finding is that quit smoking male erectile will be bigger and more hard.The doctor may not detect all your STDThough you see a doctor regularly every year, even as he/she says: "give me a comprehensive inspection."But it still cannot be sure that they check all for you you could develop a sexually transmitted disease.Due to their respective examination principle may be different, so if the check when you didn't show any symptoms or put forward clear requirements, they might not be for you to check the herpes, HPV (human papilloma virus) or syphilis.According to the national association of sexual health advice, if you have a new sexual partners and with the occurrence of numerous protection sex, you'd better check it.Check, ask them to check the several major aspects: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes and trichomoniasis (this is venereal disease).Your doctor may ask you related symptoms and sexual history, you be honest to tell him/her.Tell them about the condom broke the last month is very important, once they understand the specific situation, they can tell you more what check is not necessary.Sex is not happy when drunkAlcohol and tonic genital no benefit to you.Investigation and research has shown that alcohol can weaken the sexual ability, reduce the sensitivity.Anyone experiencing drunken sex can prove alcohol destruction of penile erectile function.The fact is that alcohol is a depressant, and when you have sex when you don't want anything to numb your senses.Sex will be great help for your healthStudies have shown that sex can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and migraine, can greatly enhance the immunity.All is good.Sex during combustion 3 to 4 calories per minuteJournal PLOS One, according to a new study in the sex, the average male burns 4.2 calories per minute, each woman burns 3.1 calories per minute.They associate it with the quantity of heat that use up more in real exercise, found that two-thirds of the sex exercise intensity is equivalent to the real exercise.This is the so-called "multitasking".Orgasms for your brain to do interesting thingsIn the few seconds of the pleasure, your brain is processing with many things."That part of the brain associated with reward and pleasure will move."Associate professor at indiana university, "The Coregasm another" author Hepburn Nick said Debby Herbenick, "and The part those related to fear tend to stop working."Recently they have to with all sorts of different areas of the brain stimulation, such as the clitoris, the penis, nipples, etc.) the relationship between were studied.They found that the brain respond to nipple stimulation and the penis to stimulate the same area.So don't ignore the nipples. wholesale male enhancement pills

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