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Tuesday 30 June, 2015 | RSS Feed

How to achieve a happy and harmonious sex life?

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Happy couples sex life began before sex.In daily life each other, understand each other, it is to strengthen the relationship and harmonious emotional appeal, the best way to improve the intimacy.Be responsible for their own pleasure.Mainly for women, women have the right to claim for his sexual pleasure active requirements.When bad spirit, in poor health, should politely rebuffed her husband.During sex, to find their own pleasure, and trying to make her husband understand your needs.Constantly changing the way sex.In a way for a long time, prone to boredom.The two sides should continue to innovate, can try different time, different environment, different locations, different postures have sex, it helps improve sexual pleasure.Don't wait for an orgasm.Women are difficult to achieve orgasm, might as well try other ways, such as self touch stimulation, watch with sexual content of painting and calligraphy, etc., it is helpful for you.The proper sexual fantasies.Sex, her husband can imagine his wife for their favorite stars;And his wife can imagine her husband into the idol worship, such, can increase the pleasure of both parties.Can't be discontent into sex.If at that time the quarrel, sulking or whining, such as bad mood, do not cooperate with each other during sex, or temporarily stop sex, would give the sex brings hidden trouble in the future.Sex question to consult experts in a timely manner.If party a sexual problem, must not shy man, in that way, it will bring more family troubles.-Don't every time requirements perfect.Some people (especially men) always expect every one-time life perfect, otherwise not remorse is "strong" each other.Must know, an expert also difficult to do this.Don't put sex fail to see is overweight.A man progress sexual impotence, women accidental orgasms without, are normal.Don't always hang in the heart, lest produce anxiety, tension, brings to the sex life after the shadow.Create favorable conditions for sex.Sex environment on the degree of a happy sex life having the effect that cannot be underestimated.Messy bedroom, noise, no isolation facilities, etc., will seriously affect the quality of sex life.

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