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Tuesday 30 June, 2015 | RSS Feed

A woman Sex apathy for a long time will Cause mammary gland dis

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Female human nature indifference would suffer from mammary gland disease, because women in sexual excitement, can accelerate the blood circulation of the breast, if long-term inhibit sexual desire can make breast pain and discomfort.Breast in painWomen when they enter a state of sexual excitement, breast congestion, increase orgasm, breast enlargement of 1/4 than usual, after sexual satisfaction, breast congestion fade restorable, this process is usually 15 to 30 minutes.Women with normal sexual life, breast congestion, swelling and retreat of cyclical change, promote the blood circulation of the breast.Sex apathy sexuality suppressed for a long time, not satisfied, so that the breast filling hematoma Expansion is not easy to fade or fade is incomplete, the persistent swelling breast pain and discomfort.Prompted lobular hyperplasiaAlso known as mammary gland hyperplasia, mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia is the most common breast disease, women account for about 60% of all breast disease, multiple in 35 to 45 years old, a small number of patients can be transformed into breast cancer.The study found that sex apathy or unsatisfactory sex is an important inducing factors of mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia.The reason for this is that bad mental stimulation caused by the sullen, lonely angst is hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus "catalyst", and sexual psychological inhibition for a long time, causing endocrine disorders and lack of regulation, the passage of time is easy to induce mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia.Cause breast cancerHave data show that among breast cancer patients, elderly unmarried, low sexual function, widowed women significantly higher than the rest of the population, the proportion of this means that no sex life or sexless women greatly increases the risk of breast cancer, and spirit is depressed women sex apathy is seen for a long time, these people is a higher risk of breast cancer. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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