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Tuesday 16 June, 2015 | RSS Feed

Bad mood can really lead to breast cancer ?

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October is the month of breast cancer prevention and control of each year.It is reported that breast cancer incidence of a disease about increasing at the rate of 2% a year, the world each year about 1.2 million women in breast cancer, 500000 women died of breast cancer.In recent years our country increasing at the rate of new cases of 3% to 3% a year, more than 1 to 2%.Breast cancer has become the first health killer of women in our country.Medical experts say the analysis from the perspective of the triggers, will don't have a meaning on breast cancer prevention and control in October.From clinical observation, the incidence of breast cancer and patients with negative emotions are closely related.And in October the weather turns cool, autumn gradually thick, exquisite and sensitive female easy to appear at this time mood swings.So, each value healthy women, should let oneself be happy at this time, don't let come into my autumn injury and breast.On the arrival of the breast cancer prevention month in shenyang, shenyang evening paper network reporter interviewed a number of experts, make recommendations to prevent breast cancer.Female white-collar workers pay attention to Guard against bad mood causes breast cancerNews background: every October warning was designated as the breast cancer prevention month, every year on October 18, to prevent breast cancer awareness day, aims to increase public understanding of breast cancer, better prevention and treatment of breast cancer.According to shengjing hospital affiliated to China medical university, deputy director of breast surgery gui-jin he introduces, the high incidence of breast cancer is 45 to 55 years old, but in recent years, more than 20 years a lot of patients with breast cancer, many of which are career women, analyze its high incentive to roughly three points.Cause a: bad mood more stressThe experimental study, the researchers point out, mental stress can cause cell and the change of the breast tissue, which has increased women's risk of mammary gland hyperplasia and breast cancer.Gui-jin he tells a reporter, the female stress and spirit always will make your body's endocrine disorder, female personality is a key factor at the same time, too introverted, always stuffy in the heart of women, or temper too impatient, irritable women also will interfere with the endocrine system, increases the risk of breast cancer.In addition, many women believe that hyperplasia of mammary glands have no big problem, not for the development of breast cancer.The idea is not correct."There is no direct relationship between mammary gland hyperplasia and breast cancer, but if hyperplasia of mammary glands are more and more serious and likely to develop breast cancer."Gui-jin he said.Cause 2: late childbirth of marry at a mature age even barrenBusy intense work makes a lot of female white-collar choice later pregnancy or barren.According to the survey, never fertility of women with breast cancer risk, 30% higher than have fertility.Gui-jin he introduces, normal, healthy breast, need the synergy of progesterone and estrogen periodic balance, estrogen can make mammary gland hyperplasia, inhibition of estrogen and progesterone can protect the function of breast.And to make progesterone and estrogen balance must be at least a normal childbirth and breastfeeding.In addition, many white-collar women said, I am not barren, but later pregnancy, which will have effect? Gui-jin he introduces, if after birth 35 years old, menstrual period has passed too long repetition, mammary gland is that there might be a subtle lesions, pregnant again at this moment, hormone levels in the intense change, also increases the risk of breast cancer.Cause 3: don't lactation or lactation time shortA growing number of female white-collar workers to work instead of breastfeeding, some also take various methods to inhibit secretion of milk."Female fertility refuse out prolactin, the hormone need timely release through breastfeeding, if human intervention, inhibit its growth, it is easy to cause the endocrine disorder."Gui-jin he said, not a lot of harm mammals, not only confined to the breast, such as thyroid, liver, uterus and corresponding problems easily.In addition, the duration of breastfeeding, the relationship between the incidence of breast cancer.Lactation time short, or just a side breast feeding, is likely to cause breast cancer.Usually, the best time of lactation is one year.The expert reminds: regular physical examination is above the introspectionThe key to prevent breast cancer is go to a hospital checking regularly, ever recommend that women over 30 once every half a year to do mammary gland colour to exceed, now ill tend to be younger, so recommend that women 20 s is best can check once half a year.At ordinary times at home also want to learn to self checking, to distinguish the bag piece mammary gland hyperplasia and breast cancer.Gui-jin he said simple thickening of mammary gland hyperplasia is a gland, organizations are in pieces, area is large, and the bag piece most of breast cancer is a small area of the block.But many breast cancer can not touch the bag piece, there are some occult breast cancer is no bag piece, so regular inspection is the key. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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