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Friday 29 May, 2015 | RSS Feed

Women take the initiative to Let a man swimming in the most beau

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Take a bath after a day's work, go home to a warm love is a matter of how comfortable.As a woman now, it is necessary to keep up with the pace of The Times, constantly improve themselves.It's the same in terms of sex, learn some more about sexual technique, let men who spoil you cannot leave your arms.Press the testicles and hip betweenMen of the perineum between testicles and hip.The place was full of nerve endings, is sensitive to external stimuli.Some of the men said to press of perineum, can appear multiple orgasms, reason is from the external stimulation via the perineal prostate.Sex, the female partners can put finger partner the region, to press the stimulus.With pelvic floor muscle exerciseKegel training not only is good for women, men.Two people kegel training together, in the exercise at the same time also can promote feelings.Kegel training is the pelvic floor muscles contraction of exercise (love), and is helpful to improve the male and female ability, if this area muscular men follow control during sex, and enhance the intensity of orgasm.Robbie, men can use pelvic floor muscle exercise group of stand, put down the penis.

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