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Thursday 21 May, 2015 | RSS Feed

Has the show of premature ejaculation maybe not the real prematu

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Premature ejaculation is the most taboo man sexual dysfunction, and the disease is common in men.Premature ejaculation is sexual intercourse is the beginning of the row, sexual intercourse before ejaculation, can't even for sex life.Statistics show, our country about 25% - 35% of men suffering from premature ejaculation.However, originally the premature ejaculation also has "true", the male friends don't like flying blind.From time to determine whether a premature ejaculationObserve whether there is the performance of the premature ejaculation, the key is to observe sexual intercourse can keep time, premature ejaculation clinical general divided into mild, moderate and severe.If sex is not more than 3 minutes, or more than 50% of the sexual intercourse activity can't let her orgasm, was slightly premature ejaculation;When the penis into the female genitals, twitch less than 15 consecutive or not more than 1 minute then ejaculation, belong to moderate premature ejaculation.If the penis erection into the female genitals have not ejaculation, or enter an twitch ejaculation, belong to severe premature ejaculation.There is the performance of the premature ejaculation is not "true"Patients with premature ejaculation is very obvious, generally can be judged.But it is because of this, led to a lot of male friends too nervous.Premature ejaculation also have a "true", actually is not fast, time is short of sex ejaculation is suffering from premature ejaculation.Due to psychological, environmental factors, such as, occasionally occur premature ejaculation is a normal phenomenon, male friends should not get stuck in negative emotions for a long time, so that turned out to be false becomes true premature ejaculation premature ejaculation.Performance generally have the several of pseudo premature ejaculation, such as excessive fatigue sex is easy to occur premature ejaculation.Married or reunited when the first sexual intercourse often appear premature ejaculation;Men first contact is essentially premature ejaculation;Spirit is too nervous or too excited can appear premature ejaculation.But if the exclusion of the above factors, continues to occur over a period of time is still unable to control the ejaculation, could be lesions, the true premature ejaculation should be treated in a timely manner.

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