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Thursday 21 May, 2015 | RSS Feed

The man's 5 big fear during sexual

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1, afraid of his wife about the size of the sex organs ,Men for their sex organ size of worry, fear of their breast size is the same with a female strong, unmarried men, because there is no sexual experience, worry about their penis size produce isn't surprising, and married men worry about their penis is too big or too small also not in the minority.Especially some new husband and marriage long still can't let his wife met her husband, have sex, are often afraid of wife regardless of the size of the penis, in fact, the penis length deviation just as a man is have high short, the real belongs to pathological gigantism and did little dwarfism, likewise, morbid penis too long or too short also extremely rare.It is generally believed that after the penile erectile belong to normal between 7.8 cm to 20 cm, relatively short, partial long penis, during sex, as long as pay attention to sexual position, hurt both sides of the sexual harmony.So, when couples have sex, when the sensitive perceived by his wife for himself to worry about the size of the sex organs, is the right thing to tell him this to your sex life is not much, as long as the husband of commitment, you will feel good.It can greatly enhance the husband self-confidence. 2, afraid of don't know when his wife need more caressing and stimulusHave a husband once said to the doctor: "when we make love, my wife often use hand touch genitals; sometimes, I also use the hand to caress her, but she pushed my hand away, does she prefer to rather than I gave her a caress yourself? "From the difficulty level of female orgasm, the stimulation of women and nature more accessible than her husband touch physical satisfaction, but making love is the business of both sides, mutual affection and mutual stimulation, common to complete the whole process of sexual life, far more than alone to perfect.Therefore, a wise wife husband should give guidance. 3, fear not strong erectionMen love erectile function to a number of factors: the influence of pressure on work career, life burden, relationship and etc., can make the penis erect, or even without these factors, the men over the age of 30, occasionally appear erection of poor performance.Many men will therefore suspect their sexual function, some will take various impotence kidney medicine blindly, to save his "weakening" of sexual function.Actually, compared with 18 to 25, the period of male sexual desire the most exuberant, Michael turned 30 men will feel less sex drive, but enhance the control ability.So, this time his wife's attitude is the most important;If the wife with suspicion, complain or sneer said her husband, will only make the problem worse.Best method is: choose husband mood is good, or good morning in erectile function, caressing his genitals, also can let him to vaginal stimulation, so that her husband will no longer worry about erectile function. 4, afraid of his wife camouflage orgasmIn the husband and wife life, husband and wife of sexual response, sexual information can be mutual induction, stimulate each other, one side to obtain sexual pleasure response will make the other party feel great satisfaction.Take a husband, wife orgasm during sex, you can make him more strong to get sexual stimulation, also can let him have a male pride and a sense of achievement.But if know each other's orgasm is just a camouflage, will greatly harm his pride at this moment, affect his sexual interest, perhaps some women think, now that their sexual response is so important to her husband, then, when they don't want to put into sexual intercourse, or the body is not timely, pamper her husband also have not cannot.This as some researchers think that wife camouflage orgasm in front of her husband, like her in front of the guests say pleasantries, if there is no orgasm during sex, wife can completely explain to her husband: "today my mood is bad," or "I'm so tired today, but sex and body contact with you also makes me feel satisfy", his wife really said, her husband will understand. 5, afraid of wife can not get orgasm many timesIn sexual physiology, men reach orgasm in sexual excitement, its characteristic performance is ejaculation, once the end of ejaculation, men in sexual refractory period, response to any sexual stimulation is no more.Men have a refractory period, this is a protective mechanism in the process of human evolution, in refractory period, male organ in your country in the semen, whole body tense muscles relax, to prepare for the next sexual excitement.But, women no sexual refractory period, some popular science books often have such a words: the potential of women to orgasm many times continuously.But this is a "potential" rather than "inevitable".There are often some husbands complain: "I really want to let his wife to reach orgasm many times in a row, but often backfire, sometimes two people to make unpleasant."In fact, the female orgasm reaction after each are not identical, the vast majority of women need to continue to tenderness and caress, sexual excitement slowly down, this is a kind of "play" process;Some women after orgasm if give corresponding, the appropriate stimulation can be acquired to meet again, but the general excitement degree each time is low;In addition, there are some women after orgasm, sensitive parts of the body, including the skin, into a state of super sensitive, only need to husband and wife hugged each other, whisper, to reject any stimulus, then caress, stimulation instead feel uncomfortable as a given, produce discomfort.So, don't let the women can achieve continuous lured into the theory of multiple orgasms, husband and wife as long as two people can share the happiness in the sex and intimacy, an orgasm. male sex enhancer products

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