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Monday 18 May, 2015 | RSS Feed

Try open eyes during sexual

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With your eyes open during sexLisa and Philip is a couple had been married for many years and now both of them complain that hard to reach orgasm during sex, even gradually has the feeling of subjects, the kissing foreplay is basic and a reluctant sex process always hurry.In the process of checking, oxfam naheboshi from the conversation, found that his wife, lisa is in the process of the whole sex with your eyes closed, although occasionally Philip opened, but the basic are scanning the other side of the body, but never stay at lisa's face.Oxfam naheboshi since accepted the "sex" with your eyes open suggestion, they quickly found everything has changed.Lisa said: "in the process of sex, we no longer have a perfunctory feeling, and can be absorbed, and in the eye contact, exchange each other's feelings and love. I never found the smile and shining in his eyes is so charming. Make love, I just want to fall in his dark brown eyes."More importantly, shortly after trying eyes open sex, "lisa soon back to the climax of the stranger, their relationship also becomes close by alienation.Eye contact is flirtingOxfam naheboshi found in the survey, as lisa couple, with your eyes closed sex couples majority, only about 30% of couples had tried to have sex with your eyes open.Because a lot of people don't like the feeling of naked, being stared at for a long time will feel embarrassed or offended.Oxfam naheboshi particular, opened his eyes, not simply looked at each other's body, but maintain eye contact with each other, let partners to be able to see their eyes, like to see into his heart.Keep eye contact between partners can make mutual awareness, and deepen mutual intimate feeling.If the former theater stage to maintain the attention of the two sides stalemate, the extent of their intimate feelings will be deeper, and the subsequent produce a great impact on the quality of sex.On the other hand, eye contact can be seen as a kind of actually sexually provocative behavior, arouse the helpful for sex.So, oxfam naheboshi tell everyone, the process of seeking upsurge do not need any special skills, as long as watching each other, will be able to achieve.Orgasm with your eyes openOxfam naheboshi also pointed out that in the first place, very few sex couples in their eyes, in the climax moment still keep looking at each other's husband and wife would be much less, about less than half.Because a lot of people think that kind of situation is unthinkable, can let a person feel shy, and very uncomfortable.In addition to some women, feel only close my eyes and have a romantic atmosphere, or only to focus on the feeling of orgasm in taste.But experts point out that: under the condition of the eyes closed, is actually insulate partner outside of their own world, simply feel yourself orgasm.And meet with your eyes open, can let the couple feel to the degree of intimacy can achieve together, each other to find each other not only on the body to achieve communication, but also in spirit, really cozy.From a physiological standpoint, if with your eyes open, her husband will find into the climax especially charming wife's reaction.Because the endocrine and the change of blood flow, make women glow appears on the cheeks, the skin becomes glossy and elastic, looks very charming.His wife will also find husband especially moving.Lisa said: "at that moment, I think Philip's face is the most handsome face I've ever seen."

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