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Wednesday 19 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

What medicine can cure impotence?

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What medicine can cure impotence? All men don't want to be impotence, impotence, after all, will cause serious damage to the harmony of the family. But life still have a lot of men suffering from impotence, take medicine is a main way to treat impotence, but patients must know impotence to eat what medicine to just go, A, afraid of kidney damage. Disease see Yang matter not give or give but not strong, afraid of suspicious, heart palpitations easily frightened, white surface, less sleep soundly restless, ghost. Can choose 72 HP, stiff night. Second, the Yin deficiency type fire. Mostly in young adults, has a history of masturbation, the penis can lift, everything else is soft. Associated with premature ejaculation. The ghost panic disorder such as palpitations, sweating. Can choose black ant king, hard for 10 days. Third, hot and humid betting type. See penis Withers softly, lower limb trapped, scrotal moisture, urine acerbity sluggish or urine after Yu Li, or red in mania and his scrotum. Man up, libigrow, stree overlord and so on . wholesale male enhancement pills

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