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Monday 27 April, 2015 | RSS Feed

Let the man's "golden gun to fail" four hygiene

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In clinic, massage have certain effect on sexual dysfunction.Massage can solid kidney Yang, dredging through the vein, invigorate the circulation of qi and, make sexual "a higher level.Massage abdomen.Mainly aimed at little belly, between the navel to the genitals on before the left and right iliac spine as boundaries on both sides.Massage, lie on your back in bed, piled up his hands in the middle of their abdomen, press abdomen, massage, slowly in the frequency of about 10 times per minute, until the lower abdomen with thermal is advisable.Massage sustainable for 5 minutes.Massage testicles.Men in front of the bed and get up, lie on the bed, natural straight, his legs slightly apart.Rub hot hands, one hand hold the lower abdomen, the other hand thumb and index finger ring testicles, to place it in position.Using the remaining three fingers gently knead testicles, count 81.Then around in hand, testicular repeat in another side.Massage thought to specificity, if the penis erection, to exercise restraint.After massage testicles, can rub along the navel ring, good or poor 81 times each.Note that when massage testicles technique appropriate light shoulds not be heavy, light, soft, slow, the principle of uniform.In addition, some of the reproductive system of organic disease patients should not be using this method, such as epididymitis, testicular tuberculosis, etc.Massage lumbar di ministry.Sitting in a chair, both hands five fingers together, two palms appropriate pressure, at the same time with lumbar di ministry on both sides, the last five minutes or so.Press with two thumb knead again shen shu, "Ming hole, each 1-2 minutes.Then use the right palm horizontal brush shen shu, "Ming and" ba liao "point, with diathermy advisable.Man four hygiene "golden gun to fail"Since the touch - genitaliaTheoretically, may be we don't need to masturbation masturbation again after marriage.But in real life, since the touch can be appropriately, so that we can to ease the pressure on sex, some can't let yourself in sexual pleasure obtained from touch.Abstinence, regularity of lifeJust go together small lovers may think of each other is so sex can be harsh.But we must know is that this will let you be unable to stand in the long term. Appropriate control and regular life, will be great help to the retention ability of benign development.Excessive pursuit of sex, sex quality will sell at a discount greatly, and easy to faster loss of libido.

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