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Tuesday 21 April, 2015 | RSS Feed

A man afraid of these things when making love

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Men are the dominant sex, but because care about his wife's feelings and views, but heart will for their sexual ability is not enough confidence, in general, is afraid of his wife was dissatisfied with his performance.Afraid she love love time is not long enoughLove there is no standard length of love, men tend to think that the longer the better, they think the longer your sexual function is stronger, the higher the sexual technique, at the same time, the longer the time also can satisfy his wife, the ability of male in mutual comparative how often boasts about his sexual intercourse for a long time.Afraid I don't know when his wife need more caressing and stimulusFrom the difficulty level of female orgasm, the stimulation of women and nature more accessible than her husband touch physical satisfaction, but making love is the business of both sides, mutual affection and mutual stimulation, common to complete the whole process of sexual life, far more than alone to perfect.Therefore, a wise wife husband should give guidance.        Afraid of his wife about the size of the sex organsMen for their sex organ size of worry, fear of their breast size is the same with a female strong, make love, are often afraid of his wife about the size of the sex organs.Actually, private department chief deviation like short men is have high short, the real belongs to pathological gigantism and did little dwarfism, likewise, pathological organ in too long or too short also extremely rare.It is generally believed that after the erection belong to normal between 7.8 cm to 20 cm, relatively short, partial long organ, during sex, as long as pay attention to love love postures, hurt both sides of the sexual harmony.So, when his wife sex, when the sensitive perceived by his wife for himself to worry about the size of the sex organs, is the right thing to tell him this effect on your sex life is not much, as long as the husband of commitment, you will feel good.It can greatly enhance the husband self-confidence.      Fear not strong erectionMen love erectile function to a number of factors: the influence of pressure on work career, life burden, relationship and etc., can make poor erection, or even without these factors, the men over the age of 30, occasionally appear erection of poor performance.Many men will therefore suspect their sexual function, some will take various impotence kidney medicine blindly, to save his "weakening" of sexual function.Actually, compared with 18 to 25, the period of male sexual desire the most exuberant, Michael turned 30 men will feel less sex drive, but enhance the control ability.So, this time his wife's attitude the most heavy;If the wife with suspicion, complain or sneer said her husband, will only make the problem worse.The best method is: choose husband mood is good, or very good erectile function in the morning, caressing his genitals, this kind husband won't worry about erectile function.              Afraid of his wife camouflage orgasmIf know each other's orgasm is just a camouflage, will greatly harm his pride at this moment, affect his sexual interest, perhaps some women think, now that their sexual response is so important to her husband, then, when they don't want to put into sexual intercourse, or the body is not timely, pamper her husband also have not cannot.If there is no orgasm during sex, the wife can explain to her husband: "today my mood is bad," or "I'm too tired today, but with your love physical contact and also makes me feel satisfy", his wife really said, her husband will understand.

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