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Tuesday 18 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

when grow blain then drink cool tea take carefully pixu (spleen

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A lot of people when they grow blain blain were mentioned. For the hassle, there is a pervasive advertising "fear of fire is to drink cool tea". As a result, many people drink cool tea in an irritated breakouts. The expert reminds, if physical pixu (spleen deficient), not fit to eat too much cold food, such as herbal tea and frozen drinks, not easy also often drink the soup clear heat purging fire, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms of pixu (spleen deficient). Fierce to drink cool tea "blain blain" intensified [example] young guangzhou xiao jie has been bothered by the "whelk". In order to "tough", the little hero often freezing cold tea and cold drinks. The little hero's mother will be dedicated to his son in clay pot soup of various kinds of heat purging fire. But such "purging fire" for a while, the little hero of blain blain does not fade, but there is growing trend, some blain blain scar even. The little hero to a hospital, just learned that he originally is physical pixu (spleen deficient), and the constitution of the people is not fit to eat too much cold food, otherwise it will aggravate the symptoms of pixu (spleen deficient), due to phlegm wet block "meng long blain blain. Experts say: acne is actually a kind of hair follicles, sebaceous glands units related to the leather fat metabolism of chronic inflammatory lesions, because of good hair at puberty, so people common says "whelk". The onset of acne is associated with the metabolism of fat, as long as there is life there will be leather fat metabolism, so there will be the possibility of acne, just at different ages have different incidence of a disease, a high incidence of puberty. "Acne" of the five principles of treatment 1, avoid emotional anxiety and tension, optimistic, happy mood, don't have the blain blain is pessimistic, optimistic self-confidence, positive, timely and reasonable treatment, suit the remedy to the case for your individual situation. 2, keep the skin clean, should wash a face with warm water, avoid the use of high alkaline soap, no grease and excitant strong cosmetics, in order to avoid further fill hair follicles, aggravate acne. Avoid using oily or opaque cosmetics, especially avoid thick makeup. Cosmetics that day, and shall be completely eliminated before going to bed and avoid before daub nourishing cream, ointment, etc., make the skin pores open at night, full breath. Neither too often nor too little, washing a face can be 2 ~ 3 times a day. 3, in dietary respect should pay attention to "SiShao A much", namely, eat less spicy food (such as pepper, onion, garlic, etc.), eat less greasy food, such as animal oil, vegetable oil, etc.), eat less sweet food (such as sugar, coffee), eat less "hair content" (such as fish, shrimp, beef and mutton, etc.), more at ordinary times food rich in vitamin A/C/F and cellulose food, such as vegetables, fruits. 4, in the aspect of life had better not smoke, drink and strong, active, inflammatory acne patients (e.g., papule, pustule) be less sunshine and to avoid sand, too cold, too hot and humid places also against acne. 5, in medicine, unfavorable and long-term chlorine, bromine, iodine compounds and drugs such as corticosteroids, if want to use external use medicine, of course or dosage forms with lotion, cream for completed, try not to use ointment and paste.

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