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Monday 06 April, 2015 | RSS Feed

Avoid excessive sex with prostatitis patients

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Avoid excessive sex prostatitis patients, pay attention to prevent sex or excessive masturbation. Because frequent seminal easy to appear prostate functional contraction, cause prostate congestion, may also cause damage to the prostate, go against the recovery of patients with chronic prostatitis. Avoid excessive sex prostatitis patients Chronic prostatitis, the prostate is not all strange for everyone, now there are a lot of people are suffering from prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis harm to patients, patients must be timely treatment, otherwise, time grows, can delay the disease, affect the treatment, but for chronic prostatitis, most people don't understand, so today we will introduce the symptoms of chronic prostatitis. In fact, chronic prostatitis is very common in our daily life, and it also is a kind of disease is higher and confusing disease, mainly including chronic bacterial prostatitis and nonbacterial prostatitis two parts. Now nearly 50% of men in life will encounter the prostate gland inflammation of interference. Because of its etiology, pathological changes and clinical symptom complex and diverse, and the men's sexual and reproductive function has a lot of interference, seriously interfere with the patient's quality of life, make them suffered great mental and physical. Symptoms of chronic prostatitis complicated, from the clinical manifestations of patients with urinary tract irritation, urinary frequency, urgency, urethral burning pain, morning urethral opening or purulent secretion of mucus, silk, cloudy urine or stool after urethral opening have white liquid flow, posterior urethral, perineal and anal discomfort, penis, testicles and groin pain, sometimes accompanied by pain, blood essence, premature ejaculation ejaculation, impotence and fatigue, dizziness, poor sleep, and the symptoms of depression and other plant nerve function disorder. In patients with chronic prostatitis before sex life to form a good habit, in daily life, form having a regular routine time, assure enough sleep, prevent irregular life, also need to pay attention to avoid alcohol, spicy food. Pay attention to prevent sex or excessive masturbation. Because frequent seminal easy to appear prostate functional contraction, cause prostate congestion, may also cause damage to the prostate, go against the recovery of patients with chronic prostatitis. In addition, excessive sex also easy to cause the exhaustion of body and mind, is not conducive to maintain a normal immune function. Above is our related to chronic prostatitis, believe that through the above introduction, everyone for the disease also have a certain understanding, chronic prostatitis is a kind of serious, prostatitis and and more long to treat this disease, so we hope that the discovery of prostatitis patients to timely treatment, in order to avoid deterioration, increase treatment difficulty.

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