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Monday 06 April, 2015 | RSS Feed

9 physical changes affect a man's life

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1, increased urination, urine dripping wet is not clear, be careful if they have diabetes, prostatic hypertrophy or cancer of the prostate; 2, when climbing stairs asthma palpitate, often have chest tightness or chest pain restless, be careful if have high blood pressure, heart disease; 3, cough phlegm and blood in phlegm, whether need to be careful with bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, lung cancer, etc.; MenZhang 4, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, irregular defecate, be careful have stomach trouble, liver disease, or cancer of the stomach, colon; 5 and smaller capacity, lodge wine to come, be careful if they had liver disease, arteriosclerosis; 6, upset stomach, very ache, anti acid, the symptom such as belching, be careful with chronic stomach trouble, especially gastric ulcer or cancer of the stomach; 7, easy forgetful and sometimes do the same thing over and over again, be careful have cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral infarction, etc; 8, stiff joints, accompanied by stabbing pain, be careful if they got rheumatoid arthritis; 9, face and leg swelling, back pain, may be suffering from kidney disease.

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