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Tuesday 24 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

Newly-married couples sex life will know three considerations

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First sexual life, men and women both parties are some shy, especially her state of mind is more complicated, so the man must not recklessness, be considerate and take good care of her, lest cause the woman dislike or excessive tension caused unsatisfactory sex.Wedding night wife whether to see redFemale vaginal opening with a thin layer of mucous membrane, called the hymen, membrane contains blood vessels and nerves, there is a small hole in the middle of the film, the diameter of the male penis generally larger than the diameter of the hole, so the sexual intercourse for the first time the hymen burst, and a small amount of blood flow, referred to as the "red".But physical labor and sports activities such as strenuous exercise can lead to the hymen after have broken down.Therefore, the wedding night wives are not necessarily "see red".After hymen, cleft side appear red and swollen, and can have black blood coagulation small, generally absorbed gradually subsided after 2 ~ 3 days, if encounter this kind of phenomenon, best every 2 ~ 3 days after the first sexual intercourse to sexual intercourse, in order to prevent the inflammation of the wound.If the hymen burst bleeding a lot, should emergency medical treatment, in order to avoid accidents, do not clear ridiculed and delay treatment.First sexual intercourse, the man can also be due to lack of knowledge or too excited, appear premature ejaculation or sexual intercourse failure, appear this kind of phenomenon do not have to worry, as the growth of the sexual knowledge and sexual experience, coordination and cooperation on both sides, will gradually solve the problem.Tourism should not be pregnant during the marriageFirst, the journey couples too overworked, tension, rest is bad, lack of sleep, and for the sake of marriage, the man strength and potential of consumption is too large, relatively poor sperm quality, adverse pregnancy healthy birth at this time.Second, irregular life of travel, accommodation guarantee, both for pregnant women and fetus are not comfortable environment and good nutrition.Third, pregnant women body weak, pregnant women are prone to colds and other diseases in the journey, to the detriment of fetal growth and development.Fourth, travel health during pregnancy is very difficult to guarantee, combined with the bride at the beginning of warm feelings are difficult to control, frequent sex, the pregnancy the fetus adversely stimulation, easy to cause miscarriage, serious can lead to secondary infertility or other gynecological diseases.So, the newlyweds in travel to take contraceptive measures, it is best not to get pregnant.Once found pregnant, should suspend travel, go home and rest as soon as possible.How long after marriage is the best period pregnancyAccording to expert decided that the best get pregnancy after marriage for three months later, when men and women both parties of sex is preliminary already gradually adapt and harmony, marries the fatigue has disappeared, when the couple both sides feel energetic and vigorous, when demand is strong, has reached the height of biological rhythm, which is pregnant with a suitable period of healthy, clever children, if can choose flowers blossom, nature spring 2-5 months pregnant, is easier to satisfy the physiological need, pregnant women and fetus to winter childbirth, mothers can get a good rest again, and there is plenty of milk pu) baby, this is a good time of eugenic and superior nurture.

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