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Monday 09 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

A man's premature ejaculation those things

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Premature ejaculation is for all the male friends are all afraid of, if the contract is ashamed to say it.Once or twice of premature ejaculation is not necessarily a premature ejaculation.Below to learn about the premature ejaculation has what symptom, in order to better understand.Premature ejaculation seriously affects man's health, what are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?What are the factors likely to cause premature ejaculation?Small make up today to introduce those things about male premature ejaculation.The performance of the premature ejaculation symptoms1, sexual life time is shortMen in sexual life time is too short, in has yet to reach orgasm is ejaculation, this condition can lead to infertility, often less than four minutes on sexual intercourse.2, the psychological performanceMen often appear some psychological burden, may be caused by a lack of sexual experience, couples with or is of excessive masturbation, sexual life is bad, etc., tension, anxiety, fear will appear some psychological performance, this also is the leading cause of premature ejaculation.3, spiritual phenomenonSuffering from premature ejaculation is mental depression, anxiety or dizziness, fatigue, memory loss and other god general clinical symptoms of premature ejaculation.The tired idle, and accompanied by depressed for a long time, god night sleep soundly, fine thin cold, heart palpitations restless, etc.Causes of male premature ejaculationThe relationship is not harmoniousDue to the husband and wife often quarrel, male inferiority complex is strong, also have the potential to his wife, these are the reasons of premature ejaculation.In addition, women with genital tract inflammation, sometimes because of sexual intercourse can cause pain, then the woman asked over sex and cause premature ejaculation as soon as possible.Has a history of masturbationAlthough some people have a history of excessive masturbation, masturbation itself does not directly cause premature ejaculation, but due to long-term masturbation or afraid of being parents found with dormitory, total want to end as soon as possible, and get into the habit of ejaculation in a hurry.Premarital sexThere are a lot of male friends and women before marriage happened relationship, because they have excessive tension, too easily excited, so that ejaculation also to fast.So for a long time, after marriage is difficult to change this phenomenon.The number of too littleNow the fast pace of life, a lot of people because of life pressure big, or is, husband and wife living in two separate for a long time not together, easy to premature ejaculation.Heterosexual contact less, lack of sexual knowledgeIn social activities and exchanges between women, and women together too reserved and shy, some people lack of sexual knowledge, has mystery to the sex organs, nervous panic caused the premature ejaculation.All of a sudden interruptionOf marriage, some people are reluctant to take use of condoms and contraceptive measures, such as intrauterine device is placed and withdrawal method for birth control, because both sides very nervously concentrate in withdrawal of the penis in vitro row of fine, the man too nervous easily cause early ejaculation.Bedroom environment is poorA lot of people live and two generations even three generations living together, in the happy life of time is too hurry, so it is also one of the causes of premature ejaculation.

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