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Saturday 07 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

Commonly used sunscreen would affect the male reproductive abili

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Now men also began to pay attention to skin care, skin care, sun protection is indispensable, sunscreen began to be widely used.But recent studies have said contain sunscreen material such as sunscreen to protect skin to taste will affect male fertility.Sunscreen can really reduce the male reproductive ability?To understand together.The national institute of child health and human development researchers published in the American journal of epidemiology, the article says sunscreen, shampoo and moisturizing emulsion in sunscreen material affect the male reproductive ability.According to the researchers, some can isolate uv light material, such as BP - 2 and 4 oh - BP may be absorbed through the skin into the human body, affect the endocrine system and hormone levels, will reduce nearly thirty percent of male reproductive ability.Although women use protect skin to taste the frequency is much higher than the male, but they're not affected by these substances.The researchers say, considering the sunscreen can effectively prevent skin cancer, they don't recommend men stopped.For those who want to do father, every time can enter indoor put sunscreen wash out in time, and to use less or stop using other sunscreen function of chemical products.

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