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Friday 06 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

What kind of erectile hardness called impotence

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Impotence is many men are afraid of suffering from disease, suffering from impotence influential to the body not only, also the psychological impact.So how to erectile hardness is impotence?To understand together.Beijing reader Mr. Song: recently, I happened to see in a magazine a saying, said that as long as penile erectile Angle less than 90 degrees is impotence, it makes me scruples.In fact, after my erection hardness is very good, sex is also no problem, but the penis when maximum hardness is less than 90 degrees, so if I impotence, need go to hospital for treatment?China academy of traditional Chinese medicine hospital gate male focus on political answer: after erection, and body form the Angle of the penis is called erectile Angle, and the size of the corpora cavernosa pressure.The maximum men's erectile Angle at the age of 20, older erectile Angle is smaller.It could maintain erectile pressure decreases with sponge body, or penis ligament gradually relaxed.However, due to individual differences, as well as physical, emotional, with men in different situations, and even the same men their erectile Angle size is different also, cannot treat as the same.Under normal standing, most male erectile Angle is greater than 90 degrees, about 20% of the male penis erection Angle is equal to 90 degrees, and 5% less than 90 degrees, they all can finish sexual intercourse, sexual gratification.So we believe that as long as you can successfully complete sex, anyone don't have to pursue to achieve an erection Angle.Erectile dysfunction is defined as continuous cannot achieve or maintain full erection, in order to obtain satisfactory sex life, that is to say, as long as erectile hardness enough to insert the vagina or erection time enough to finish sex, and more frequent sex more than 50%, is not a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.Individual diagnostic method for erectile dysfunction in erection Angle problem, is only one aspect of the diagnosis, not conflict with definition.So, as long as no problem with erectile hardness complete sex, cannot be considered impotence, no treatment.

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