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Wednesday 04 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

Vagina flushing will prevent pregnant ?

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Still doesn't want to have children, contraception is ready.Some people don't like to use a condom, listen to rumors vagina flushing for contraception.So, douching can birth control?And see it.Hebei readers ask Ms. Yang: my husband and I married for two years, have a child.Before, we have no contraceptive measures, but must consider the question after birth.A friend told me, without a condom, as long as timely flush the vagina after sex, kill sperm with weak acid lotion can contraception.Is this way feasible?Guo, director of the China academy of traditional Chinese medicine xiyuan hospital male: contraception is sexual life forever is not open around the topic, specific what kind of method to choose, can choose according to oneself circumstance.But no matter which kind of contraception, on the premise of safe and effective implementation, otherwise cause accidental pregnancy, can bring a lot of problems.Folk wisdom of vaginal birth control is not feasible, even with shower shower wash not to drop the vagina of semen, because sex end moment, dynamic sperm may have combined with a fertilized egg.We advocate prior contraceptive commonly, for men, the most common is to use a condom or do vasectomy;For women, it can be put in utero coil, synthetic, or birth control pills.If the two sides under the unprotected sex, the safest way is to take emergency contraception.But this is not a recommended method, more can't continuous use in the short run.

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