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Wednesday 21 January, 2015 | RSS Feed

Men more sunshine better than use viagra

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The most cheap, natural viagra, it is much in the sun.Because blood levels of testosterone in human body, rises with the increase of vitamin D levels in the body.According to the British "daily mail" reported on February 2, the medical university of graz, Austria, the researchers found that per milliliter blood contains at least 30 grams of vitamin D in the men, the amount of testosterone in the body, than vitamin D levels below 30 people at a much higher per milliliter of blood.It is known that human per milliliter blood contains 30 grams of vitamin D to normal levels, per milliliter blood contains 40-60 at best.Under the irradiation of ultraviolet (uv), 90% of vitamin D in the body is generated by the skin.Research suggests that testosterone levels in the body, can changes with fluctuations in vitamin D levels.10 a year earning the wineries, vitamin D in the human body and decline in testosterone levels will be synchronized, and fell to the lowest in March next year.This is because the people for a short time in the outdoor, in the sunshine of opportunity is less.The study also confirmed that, every day 1 hour in the sun, testosterone in the human body can be increased by 69%.Rizhao Dutch study BBS, a spokesman for the brand, said: "if people can guarantee adequate vitamin D levels, testosterone levels tended to steady, sexuality will maintain at a high level. This finding greater influence on men".

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