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Tuesday 18 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Five kinds of love means the most easily lead to break up

by Administrator | post a comment

1, you love him more In a relationship, a woman is a disadvantage, because a woman's appearance is old, coupled with the men at the age of 40 charm still remain, so you need a man love a woman, your marriage will sustain stability. If a woman is too care about a man in a relationship, even if you care about him more than he CARES about you, that most of this relationship and finally will be dissolved. 2, cohabitation, time is too long After living together too long, both sides of the passion will fade, more affection and friendship between two people, slowly, if at this time a good member of the opposite sex, his fresh and mystique let you does it one brace up, it is easy to appear the condition of things happen at this time. 3, you are just attracted by his appearance You just fall in love, you just like his handsome appearance, time grew, the cute you also have to see a sick day, wait for the arrival of that day you will feel at the beginning how he have a crush on him, because in addition to the appearance, he seemed to have no other attracted you, that also is very unstable. 4, the other is married No matter how much he love you, as long as he didn't go with you and the other a divorce, that this relationship, after all, is to end one day. Even if the other party to divorce you turn and you get married, that such a man is also unreliable, he can be so cruel treatment of his predecessor, to your heart, that he was no better. 5, the man is too stingy During the fall in love with you, he can always spend less and less money is can not flower is not flower, even when you use the vitality of condom is your money to buy himself, such a man, want to take advantage from the start, suggest you still end early, long pain rather short pain.

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