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Friday 21 November, 2014 | RSS Feed

Eat an apple for men have this effect

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According to The Times of India reported that men eat apples can protect the prostate, the researchers analyzed, this could be the apple of zinc at work. General 1-2 apple a day can reach the purpose of help in the treatment of prostatitis. Apple has always been a nutritionist strongly recommended health fruit. According to The Times of India reported, a Swedish study and added a new reason to eat the apple - protect the prostate. The researchers selected the study of 78 patients with chronic prostatitis, average age was 55. In the period of one year of regular treatment, they asked for half a day for 1-2 apples, some other people don't eat. As a result, after living in ruling out other factors, people insist on eating apples rehabilitation effect is still better than not to eat the apple. The researchers analyzed, this could be the apple of zinc at work. Inside the prostatic fluid of chronic prostatitis patients, zinc content is significantly lower than normal, zinc supplementation through eating apples, not only has no side effects, and is good for the body to absorb and use. General 1-2 apple a day can reach the purpose of help in the treatment of prostatitis. In addition, men can also eat some peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts to zinc supplementation.

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