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Friday 14 March, 2014 | RSS Feed

Pillow too high would impact an erection, Sleeping too long woul

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The bed is too soft, less strength Bed mattress is too soft, will cause the subsidence in the middle part of body, torso form arc, make the spinal ligaments around and intervertebral overload, increase the physiological curvature of the lumbar down for a long time can cause back pain. At the same time, the hammock muscles relax cannot obtain sufficient sleep, over time, will affect sex muscle power. Yuquan hospital sexual medicine, tsinghua university professor Ma Xiaonian pointed out that sex, lower back's muscle strength is important, especially for men, the missionary and lateral position posture, men want to rely on waist and leg strength to help control sex. Once the waist is damaged, it is easy to affect sexual action. Action: the mattress soft hard moderate, generally to lie on the bed can make the body feel appropriate, it is advisable to waist can get good support. In addition, there is no noise, the neat factors such as bed, bed is tasted, also helps to improve sex life quality. Pillow: high impact degree of erection We often say "rest easy", but sleep researchers in Japan by investigating nearly married people of different ages, found that the pillow is too high, can affect sexual function. First of all, the pillow is too high for a long time, easy to cause the brain blood circulation, make the function of the pituitary to secrete hormones, may further affect the sexual desire. Second, the pillow is too high, easy to make the heart pressure, influence the blood circulation, and insufficient blood supply for a long time, can lead to erectile dysfunction. Again, high pillow may affect the health of cervical vertebra, seriously will affect the nerve conduction of sexual excitement, thus reduce sexual sensitivity, easy to cause sex apathy. Finally, the pillow high airway unobstructed, not easily aggravate snoring, led to a lack of oxygen to the body, affect the sleep quality, also have a negative effect on sexual function. Action: to choose according to your height and shape highly appropriate pillow. Committee member of Chinese society for the study of sleep sleep disorder, Ming shi said to lie on your back when the head and torso level advisable, namely position, pillow high punch side pillow in a fist and a half. The most like some broad shoulders the length of the pillow, the pillow is too small will affect the quality of sleep. Material, must choose a softer cotton pillow, the pillow to be after shrinkage of elasticity, such as buckwheat pillow. wholesale male enhancement pills

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