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Wednesday 29 October, 2014 | RSS Feed

Male spermatorrhea too much will lead to what harm to boddy

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Boys in dream when I was 15 years old or so, dream about sex, spermatorrhea phenomenon occurs, this is normal, is physiology sex, spermatorrhea, of course also sick rational spermatorrhea. Unmarried youth spermatorrhea is a common phenomenon, need not too much concern, prevention knowledge, calendar life pay more attention to, can control and prevent pathologic spermatorrhea. Boys to dream when I was 15 years old or so commonly, dream about sex, spermatorrhea phenomenon occurs, this is normal, is physiology sex, spermatorrhea, of course also sick rational spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea will cause what harm? We take a look at. 1, frequent spermatorrhea, note to make young people in a kind of doubts, tension, fear, shy of the psychological condition, some quality of weak type of young men, unable to comprehend after wet dream, more reticent, sullen, inattention, insomnia, even affect work, study and health. Male spermatorrhea too much can cause what harm 2, pathological spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea number is more, in the dream, spermatorrhea, even in the case of nature excited spermatorrhea. The reason on the one hand, due to long-term masturbation or thought too focused on the sexual problem, on the other hand may be suffering from phimosis, the foreskin is too long, urethritis, prostatitis and other diseases, cause local irritation caused. 3, some men spermatorrhea associated with memory loss, depression, at the same time the symptom such as dizziness tinnitus, lumbar acid knee soft. If semen less or too much, thin thin, not sticky, tasteless, a normal sperm count

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