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Sunday 19 October, 2014 | RSS Feed

Prevention of premature ejaculation method

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To eliminate the psychological factor is key As men itself or a sexual partner, first must have a full understanding to sexual knowledge, clearly know the dangers of mental factors for sexual function. Don't cry because it is a two failed intercourse and depressed, and even afraid of sex, as sexual partners should actively encourage the man, remember to give the man heart pressure, at the time of intercourse, thought must focus on the above, this time don't go to think of other things, especially when they are to reach the high peak, this time is the most critical moment, must be full attention on sexual intercourse. Sex to section c, masturbation to quit Some newly married couples, when newly married wife in the face of the temptation of the body will control, in fact, excessive sex for premature ejaculation is also has a great deal of harm. Some young people indulge in sex all day, frequent masturbation to solve his sexual demands, actually often masturbation can cause mental fatigue, serious can cause premature ejaculation. As long as the stop couples have sex or quit masturbation habit for a period of time, slowly premature ejaculation illness will get better. Try to use a condom There are a lot of male genital contact directly to the wife's vagina, after several reply of thrusting, soon the glans penis is particularly sensitive, ejaculation impulses, but if this time using a condom, then the glans penis no direct contact with the vagina, can greatly reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, in order to reduce the time of ejaculation, effectively prevent premature ejaculation, after a period of hard work, can alleviate the condition of premature ejaculation. Regular exercise improves personal body quality Male sex is actually a "manual", without a strong body, not only can reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse, and still can cause early ejaculation, so often should loosen body and mind, to participate in various sports activities, prevent overfatigue, for premature ejaculation effect "just around the corner. Quit smoking and alcohol Male friends who drink and smoke is a very common thing, but according to the survey, drinking and smoking male human ability not equal to men who do not drink and smoke, because smoking can block blood flow to the body peripheral, affects the circulation of the blood of Yin meridians, and drinking too much, can cause the gonads poisoning, serious is not only premature ejaculation can even cause infertility. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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