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Wednesday 17 September, 2014 | RSS Feed

Impotence knowledge should know more about it

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Starting from the development occurs after impotence said primary impotence. Cause of impotence, except a few of the reproductive system implement qualitative change caused most is psychological and physical, a man over the age of 50 appear impotence, majority is degenerative changes. Whatever the impotence are unable to complete the sexual intercourse, so often leads to the male sexual excitement abnormality and psychological change, inevitably affect the feelings of husband and wife, and influence, even involved in the law, so must careful diagnosis of impotence. With impotence, spermatorrhea, sexual dysfunction, such as phase difference, first commonly after treatment, observation - diagnosis of three steps, here is introduced a simple test method, sleep in the night, with a paper round around the penis and cement, wake up the next day after check whether paper ring fracture, fracture, if sleep shows the penis has an erection, cannot diagnose impotence, of course, if the link penis measuring instrument is more accurate. wholesale male enhancement pills

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