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Monday 01 September, 2014 | RSS Feed

Age different Impotence treatment is also different

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Happen to our life and work of impotence caused great influence, the male psychological also caused great influence, the cause of impotence is varied, the cause of male friends of different ages suffer from impotence also is not the same, so the treatment of impotence also should according to age. Most young men impotence is psychic impotence Cause young people are the main cause of impotence: sexual history time is short, unmarried cohabitation, low cultural level, affected by the error of sexual mores, as well as external mental pressure big, etc. Poor because of the early sex and sexual knowledge, the male sex life to bring huge psychological pressure and fear of their lives for a long time in pregnancy, fear of their own performance can't satisfy each other's concerns, easily lead to impotence. Treatment: psychological treatment For young people to the high incidence of mental premature ejaculation, mainly take the psychological treatment. This kind of impotence patients should be actively learning knowledge, to analyze and correct sexual mores, abandon the doctrine of color sex knowledge education. At the same time, to seek the aid of a psychiatrist, positive psychological persuation, remove as long as the heart, most patients can not. Middle-aged marriage don't cause impotence In our country, the man to 40 years old, almost all the adults. Middle-aged man most has the sexual experience and adaptability. Psychic impotence of middle-aged people than young people is slowly, unknowingly, the cause is unknown. But some of the factors that affect young people impotence of middle-aged people also play a role, such as alcohol, etc. Treatment: couples sexy concentrated training Impotence more middle-aged people take psychotherapy and behavior therapy. A husband and wife for such patients, it is recommended that the main pathogenesis, improve the relationship, and to cure the disease, what is there against it. But at present, the domestic couples can be sexy less intensive training of hospital. The elderly impotence caused by disease In clinic, the view of impotence after age 60 people, mostly of organic, that is caused by the disease. According to relevant data statistics, about 70% of impotence is caused by hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure, the lower blood pressure drug after entering the penis can cause erectile difficulties; Prostate surgery, rectal surgery, radiation therapy can also cause impotence. Treatment: penile prosthesis implantation surgery Penile prosthesis implantation for organic impotence due to a variety of causes, such as atherosclerosis caused by vascular impotence. After diabetes caused by nerves, blood vessels and endocrine dysfunction and organic impotence; Some cause of impotence after trauma, surgery, such as pelvic fractures and spinal fracture with paraplegia after prostate surgery: some reproductive organs disease, such as congenital or secondary deformities, penis penis traumatic from broken etc are all indications of penile prosthesis implantation. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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