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Wednesday 27 August, 2014 | RSS Feed

Classic man "pseudo premature ejaculation" six big fool

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In general, premature ejaculation is to point to premature ejaculation, but the time to define it is difficult to actually, the length of time during sex ejaculation, individual difference is very big, even the same person, every time ejaculation time also is not the same. As a result, some men think of premature ejaculation is actually a "fake" premature ejaculation. Below small make up just to teach you how to identify several "pseudo premature ejaculation" phenomenon. 1. When exhausted "premature ejaculation," Men in fatigue, due to the overdraft of the body, sexual intercourse with a premature ejaculation, this is not true of premature ejaculation. 2. Your wedding "premature ejaculation" Married or reunited the first sexual intercourse, the man is too excited, often rapid ejaculation, or premature ejaculation, no surprise 3. When reunited "premature ejaculation" Separated couples, meet for the first night the man by accident the premature ejaculation, ideological burden is too heavy, leaving a trail undesirable stimulation in the cerebral cortex, each reunited after the first night will be happened when having sex premature ejaculation, but the second and third night was normal as before, the special phenomenon of premature ejaculation, don't worry, not sick. 4. Before the sleep "premature ejaculation" Some people are prone to rapid ejaculation intercourse before falling asleep, waking up and the wee hours after sexual intercourse, the ejaculation time longer, this kind of circumstance should not be regarded as premature ejaculation, may be because of the appropriate. 5. Repeat the intercourse "premature ejaculation" Ejaculation too fast when such as sex, but sex again in the evening, such as ejaculation time is relatively long, but don't worry. The repeat sex also as a way to treat premature ejaculation occasionally, but unfavorable routine use. 6. Too excited when "premature ejaculation" Another kind of circumstance is because of men's sexual excitement, secrete urethral opening some liquid, actually is a kind of bulbourethral glands and other mucous glands, cannot be mistaken for premature ejaculation of semen. Small make up remind: The length of time, someone will ejaculation measure of premature ejaculation is not appropriate, must consider age, physical condition, health status, sexual experience, sexual intercourse frequency and female sexual desire and lust and a speed of individual difference, so it is difficult to formulate a concrete ejaculation time standards. wholesale male enhancement capsules

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