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Sunday 06 July, 2014 | RSS Feed

The survival time of the egg in the body

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Q: for normal pregnant women, pregnancy, abortion, abortion, pregnancy, a bit not note might conceive pregnant, is very annoying. For is not easy to pregnant women, no matter how earnest, pair for ovulation, also it is difficult to conceive pregnant, is also annoying. I heard this kind of situation and egg short survival time about in the body. Excuse me, how long it will take eggs can survive in the body? Case: chien-ming wang has not been pregnant 2 years of marriage, after go to a hospital checking results confirmed that the couple didn't find anomalies. But after the doctor ask carefully learnt that the original problem in their sexual life time is not enough scientific, did not drive in wang's ovulating. To this, wang confused, oviposit period refers to a period of time, if the sexual intercourse, can be pregnant. So, if sexual intercourse must be on the day of ovulation can pregnant? Eggs can live how long? A: life is very complicated and profound, there are still many mysteries baffling. In biology, lower organisms reproducing way is asexual reproduction, these creatures have no male and female, male female, they split up from their own offspring, a change two, four, four eight... Its next generation is a simple copy with self. Like creatures in the book of the original biological paramecium, is such a reproduction. As the biological evolution, this way of asexual reproduction is not suitable for the needs of the development of animal species. Then, in a comparatively higher organisms, gradually appeared certain special reproductive cells and organs, then organisms males and females, male and female. In the human reproductive physiology phenomenon, life first of all must have two conditions are mature sperm and mature eggs. For women, the first condition of conception is mature eggs. In women the most common form of the change of the menstrual cycle, follicle also changes in batch synchronization development, and correspond to each menstrual cycle. In the middle of each period (if a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, and under the condition of relatively stable, 14 days from) women ovarian eduction eggs by side. In general, women's ovaries a physiological cycles (menstrual cycle) from only one egg. But there are exceptions, the twins, the common people such as if a man and a woman or two people grow is not very like, this kind of situation is often due to their mother ovarian eduction eggs at the same time on opposite sides. Mature eggs by ovarian eduction, again through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Because the egg itself has no sports ability, relying instead on tubal cilia lining slowly creep, promote the eggs to the direction of the uterus. Eggs from the discharge into the uterus, the period of time, is the best time to fertilize, about 6 to 24 hours. If after 24 hours, the egg has not met her lover - sperm, the flower of life only slowly on the wane, grief and huan, eventually die of loneliness.

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