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Friday 04 July, 2014 | RSS Feed

What kind of sex to latch the women

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Sex is a profound knowledge, since thousands of years of cultural history, can say to now have not yet fully understand sex, sex is not just the dedication huan, it contains two people desire, emotion, personality, feelings and so on in it, like a man wants a woman completely in love with him, sex of exquisite does not pay attention to less than fall in love, if you want to her in bed rely on you, so, we must understand sex as much as possible, and then to let they cannot reason to leave. Mental type sex Features: the joyous love is built on the basis of the two sides of each other's appreciation, with both sides of the grateful. Huan love as the awakening of the soul, all of which is special, full of love and appreciation. How to make: how can happen naturally, of course, is the best. However, if you need to make, a technique is must pay attention to the proper time. For example, when you indulge in memories, love for each other will reach the highest. So, in bed, not think about what these moments. Sex desire type Characteristics: desire huan seems to be selfish, self love, must leave one inch scratch in each other's body, or, "thank you, hurry up." can't wait. This way, however, is a woman in deep love and the best way to love. Why women want to refuse to enjoy sex happiness? How to make: any woman has this ability. But the point is that they have to break the conservative ideas. "We're looking for soul mate and partner not desire", this is the woman must overcome obstacles. Because in the evening, you need to release your desire and passion. Fun sex Features: "sex to" often is not so serious. A couple in joyous love laugh often can let oneself easily. Especially when there was some accident, such as his legs were wrapped in a sheet, or is something sudden interrupted, and so on. You should learn to laugh it off such a thing. But if encounter some sex accident, such as women privates too dry is too loose, let each other all have no desire to continue, you need to treat. How to make: the key is both of us have a relaxed state of mind. The bedroom is not passionate, sometimes or perfect, sometimes it's interesting, clumsy. Both sides of the play, joke, can bring you another experience, might as well give it a try. Gentle type sex Features: when the father to the bride and groom to entrust, used to say, "gentle". Now, the girl is no longer a delicate flower in the greenhouse. However, in the bedroom, or popular men a little bit of tenderness. The touch of a soft, slow, a kiss is a warm the best opening of love. How to make: tender after couples argue especially effective. One or both hugs and soft apology is gentle type huan love best fuse.

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