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Sunday 15 June, 2014 | RSS Feed

What are the female genitals abnormal signal

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Women privates structure is relatively complex, the vaginal opening of urethral mouth and anus, could easily lead to the invasion of the bacteria, and appear all sorts of disease of department of gynaecology. And, of course, the disease of department of gynaecology is not sudden, before some body in detail, also may be a sign of an illness, we we'll take a look at today, what women privates abnormal signal. The abnormal body secretion And in many pathogenic bacteria infection can cause the change of the leucorrhea, and in such as: but candida infection can cause a bean curd leucorrhea change; And in patients with gonorrhea leucorrhea yellow-green, etc. Have itching and rash And in vulva redness, itching, but is likely to suffer from vulvar dermatitis, and this is a kind of allergic reaction, but in the stimulus can be anything, but from the shower gel to chemical fiber underwear too. Male human ability standard of 3 self-test Cesarean section can avoid vaginal relaxation And in another itchy rash may be vulva sclerosing moss. But also may be the signal of herpes in skin rashes, and if you or your partner has herpes, but just don't come together again, and to go to see a doctor immediately. But if the pregnant women suffering from severe herpes, and must be treated, but because to infected infants in the process of childbirth are likely to be. About the smell And in normal leucorrhea tasteless. But if you often feel fishy or acid, and in this is bacterial vaginal disease signs, but usually in the physiological period or after sex smell especially serious. And yet in on rare occasions, but tampons may cause bad smell, and bear in mind that every 4 ~ 8 hours need to change a tampon. Here are a burning sensation And in such as frequency, urgency, urine pain phenomenon, but a bacterial urinary tract infection may be the culprit. And people in rare cases, but there will be a burning sensation of the vulva, and this may be a recurrent vaginal inflammation, trauma, or some other problem. The irregularity of the bleeding And in endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, hysteromyoma, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, however, and sign in and have a miscarriage, but some drip or mild bleeding will happen. And in the other, but menopause or hormonal imbalance, and errors in oral contraceptives use also can cause irregular uterine bleeding.

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