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Sunday 08 June, 2014 | RSS Feed

Premature ejaculation patients cannot only rely on medicine to f

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Many men in the treatment of premature ejaculation just use the medicine method, it is not right. Premature ejaculation is to point to ejaculation occurred before entering Y way, or enter a Y in shorter time, tao in women has yet to reach orgasm, ejaculation and appear early sexual intercourse is not harmonious. The diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation is whether the woman meet. But not premature ejaculation take medicine can good. This is mainly because: 1, the premature ejaculation causes complex, if not for the cause, take medicine blindly, to no avail. Generally there are two main causes of premature ejaculation, one kind is the spirit of the cause of psychological, one kind is organic cause. The majority of patients with premature ejaculation is caused by psychological factors. Such as the existence of sexual anxiety, too nervous, afraid of the pain of a woman, unwanted pregnancies, etc. Still have a plenty of an unpleasant experiences cause psychological shadow. This kind of mental psychological factors lead to premature ejaculation is not physical disease, only to take medicine can't correct the crux of the mental aspect, cannot change the symptoms of premature ejaculation. 2, may have to take medicine after men suffering from premature ejaculation is have certain effect, but, for premature ejaculation caused by organic disease, all such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, such as only eat aphrodisiac, of course, also can't cure premature ejaculation. Many premature ejaculation in patients with the first thought is to eat aphrodisiac, but this kind of drugs is generally strong an aphrodisiac properties, efficacy is very strong, more with aphrodisiac, quickly stimulate the function of sexual excitement, so mostly contain hormone ingredient, after rapid strong an aphrodisiac, efficacy of a faded, immediately appear impotence will not take up the state, and will damage the kidney Yin, time will make premature ejaculation is more and more serious.

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