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Tuesday 30 June, 2015 | RSS Feed

A woman Sex apathy for a long time will Cause mammary gland dis

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Female human nature indifference would suffer from mammary gland disease, because women in sexual excitement, can accelerate the blood circulation of the breast, if long-term inhibit sexual desire can make breast pain and discomfort.Breast in painWomen when they enter a state of sexual excitement, breast congestion, increase orgasm, breast enlargement of 1/4 than usual, after sexual satisfaction, breast congestion fade restorable, this process is usually 15 to 30 minutes.Women with normal sexual life, breast congestion, swelling and retreat of cyclical change, promote the blood circulation of the breast.Sex apathy sexuality suppressed for a long time, not satisfied, so that the breast filling hematoma Expansion is not easy to fade or fade is incomplete, the persistent swelling breast pain and discomfort.Prompted lobular hyperplasiaAlso known as mammary gland hyperplasia, mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia is the most common breast disease, women account for about 60% of all breast disease, multiple in 35 to 45 years old, a small number of patients can be transformed into breast cancer.The study found that sex apathy or unsatisfactory sex is an important inducing factors of mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia.The reason for this is that bad mental stimulation caused by the sullen, lonely angst is hyperplasia of mammary gland flocculus "catalyst", and sexual psychological inhibition for a long time, causing endocrine disorders and lack of regulation, the passage of time is easy to induce mammary gland flocculus hyperplasia.Cause breast cancerHave data show that among breast cancer patients, elderly unmarried, low sexual function, widowed women significantly higher than the rest of the population, the proportion of this means that no sex life or sexless women greatly increases the risk of breast cancer, and spirit is depressed women sex apathy is seen for a long time, these people is a higher risk of breast cancer. wholesale male enhancement capsules

How to achieve a happy and harmonious sex life?

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Happy couples sex life began before sex.In daily life each other, understand each other, it is to strengthen the relationship and harmonious emotional appeal, the best way to improve the intimacy.Be responsible for their own pleasure.Mainly for women, women have the right to claim for his sexual pleasure active requirements.When bad spirit, in poor health, should politely rebuffed her husband.During sex, to find their own pleasure, and trying to make her husband understand your needs.Constantly changing the way sex.In a way for a long time, prone to boredom.The two sides should continue to innovate, can try different time, different environment, different locations, different postures have sex, it helps improve sexual pleasure.Don't wait for an orgasm.Women are difficult to achieve orgasm, might as well try other ways, such as self touch stimulation, watch with sexual content of painting and calligraphy, etc., it is helpful for you.The proper sexual fantasies.Sex, her husband can imagine his wife for their favorite stars;And his wife can imagine her husband into the idol worship, such, can increase the pleasure of both parties.Can't be discontent into sex.If at that time the quarrel, sulking or whining, such as bad mood, do not cooperate with each other during sex, or temporarily stop sex, would give the sex brings hidden trouble in the future.Sex question to consult experts in a timely manner.If party a sexual problem, must not shy man, in that way, it will bring more family troubles.-Don't every time requirements perfect.Some people (especially men) always expect every one-time life perfect, otherwise not remorse is "strong" each other.Must know, an expert also difficult to do this.Don't put sex fail to see is overweight.A man progress sexual impotence, women accidental orgasms without, are normal.Don't always hang in the heart, lest produce anxiety, tension, brings to the sex life after the shadow.Create favorable conditions for sex.Sex environment on the degree of a happy sex life having the effect that cannot be underestimated.Messy bedroom, noise, no isolation facilities, etc., will seriously affect the quality of sex life.

It doesn't have to be Sex to have an orgasm

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Life, some people think that only through sexual intercourse can achieve orgasm, not really.People's sexual desire, from the physical point of view, is the main contact and excretion, by men and women is the contact to the body contact or contact of organ and organ and pleasure, liquid discharge is through ejaculation or release any other sex and pleasure, they are connected."Contact" form is various, kissing and touching are contact, sexual intercourse is the contact between the reproductive organs and other contact ways such as mouth, hand, or other objects genital contact, to stimulate, can produce an orgasm, some women's sexual sensitivity is larger and kiss her beloved man, this is just a mouth to mouth and tongue to tongue contact) will be able to produce an orgasm, of course, not everyone in this way, for more people, the kissing just produce certain sexual pleasure.Indeed, people's perceptions of the contact to and discharge is not identical even is very different.This is because the psychological, physical, habits and so on conditions of different on sex and sexual intercourse has reached the climax of the experience is not entirely the same.Generally speaking, people reach orgasm physiological reaction is the same, but not the same psychological reaction, most people prefer to reach orgasm through intercourse, because through the most hidden place () to the reproductive organs of contact, more can produce the feeling of the two sides together.Of course, some sexologists have such a saying, men and women sex must be through sexual intercourse, not necessarily sexual pleasure also doesn't have to achieve orgasm.That makes sense, especially for the elderly more meaning.Sex is not only the physical satisfaction, more satisfied is the main psychological and communication.Some old people even though sexual function decline, but still can gain satisfaction from psychological, meet even orgasm.

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