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Monday 30 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

A man's sexual health code

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Men always like to use a series of Numbers, to measure their sexual ability.On February 20, the men's health magazine released a set of "male sexual health code" - 18154556410.Understanding this group of Numbers help men correctly judge their sexual ability, can also help its early detection problem.18 years old, is the "peak" age of male sexual function, because male hormone secreted the most exuberant.But due to lack of experience, this age a man does not necessarily have the best performance.15 cm.90% of the male erectile, its penis is about 14-16 cm long, to 15 cm.However, if the male obese or overweight, the penis will be much shorter.45 km/hour speed refers to male ejaculation.Sperm from the vas deferens to glans, is "medium" forward, once you enter the vagina, however, a sharp slowdown, as if hordes from four lanes on the road, at the same time.Generally, crawl sperm need 5 minutes to reach the cervix, then it will take 72 hours to "meet" and eggs.5 calories.Single ejaculation amount equivalent to one mouthful phlegm, its heat for about 5 calories."It was a high quantity of heat, because rich in fructose and enzymes in the semen."Cornell university professor of reproductive and urinary marc goodstein said.64 litres.Every time men ejaculate volume of about 2, 7 milliliter, lifetime can generate 64 liters, many of which are prostate fluid.10 hours.Swiss study found that most men in the 10 hours after sex, its body various aspects function has fully recovered, the so-called "the contest before can't knew" is totally nonsense.Of course, as we age, some male recovery time will be appropriately extended, need 12 hours.

Female Sex apathyd deep reasons

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Sex apathy refers to women's sexual response is restrained, lack or loss of libido is also called sexy paralysis.Informally that has no interest in sex.According to the survey received a good education and health, 16% of men and 35% of women with low disease.In a childless couple, frigidity accounted for 9%, but no real sexual desire is relatively rare.In general, the influencing factors of sexual desire basically has the following several aspects:One is the age.People in adolescent sexuality is strongest.As the growth of the age sex will gradually decay in old age, sexual function decline, libido decreased significantly. The second is the disease.Malnutrition, inner secretory disease, diabetes, myocardial infarction, etc all can affect the libido and sexual response, serious and even complete loss of libido or sex. 3 it is drugs.Many commonly used drugs affect sexual desire and sexual function, among them with antihypertensive drugs, antipsychotics and sedative hypnotic drugs. Fourth, psychological factors.Psychological factors have a crucial impact on sexual desire, especially for women.If a woman feel partner concern, will appear libido. Some experience in life can damage the female sexual potential.Such as intense conflict between parents, fatigue, emotional trauma, etc., especially the unpleasant sexual intercourse for the first time experience and the experience of rape may make women produce aversion to sex.However, sexual desire is that people are born with an instinct, had existed from infancy.It is influenced by genetic is very small, although there are individual differences, sexual desire may but this factor and compared the psychological and social influence, is negligible. The formation and development of sexual desire and sexual psychology mature process, it is influenced by their parents.You have little interest in sex, is likely to be subtly influenced by her mother.Unpleasant experiences make mother have misconceptions about sex, and this kind of misunderstanding is directly to your education.Therefore, you unconsciously also negative attitudes about sex.However, this is the result of sexual attitudes and sexual psychological sex apathy as long as the necessary psychological counseling, can eliminate.

News for Wednesday 25 March, 2015

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