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Saturday 07 March, 2015 | RSS Feed

what health concerns with Kiss vagina

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In the United States, a survey found, while 75% of married women who had been kiss vagina, but 45% of them are difficult to accept this way of touching each other, or out of embarrassment, or because they don't feel happy.In a word, do not get all the love of women.If you want to reach the harmony of sex, the most important thing is that two people communicate with each other, to achieve the tacit understanding of each other, eventually to have each other happy experience.In addition, kiss vagina for men also pose a health hazard.Palmer, Geneva, Switzerland university hospital professor pointed out that for the tonsils, this kind of behavior than about the dangers of smoking and alcohol on the larger, more likely to cause cancer.In addition, a kind of can lead to cervical cancer, often through the sexual infection virus, human papilloma virus (HPV) can also be spread between oral and genital, especially for sexually active, sexual partners, more people, have a higher chance of being infected.The incubation period of the virus is not sure, sometimes decades later infected will be diagnosed with cancer.Therefore, while we seek stimulation or pleasure, also cannot ignore health factors, on the premise of the two sides reached a tacit understanding and ensure health of sex can let each other more happiness, more durable.

What is the reasons to make men unable to orgasm

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Every male sexual orgasm is the pursuit of the ultimate goal, but some men during sex cannot reach orgasm, is this why?Below to understand what causes the male sex climax.Male sexual desire is very strong, especially young men, their bodies contain the desire fire burning fierce as sun class, but there is a substantial proportion of men to reach orgasm during sex, is this why?Men never accept sexual educationNew sexual intercourse before both sides don't know is how to return a responsibility, a complete lack of knowledge, also don't know each other have what demand, even to have a fear, sex or out of shyness, a few months after marriage never intercourse;Some people don't know the penis in the vagina during intercourse frequency fast, in a large range of friction, don't even know sex ejaculation;At the beginning of the marriage, sexual arousal is fierce, intercourse is not twitch and can reach orgasm ejaculation, but after this period of peak, due to the improper method cannot reach orgasm later;Many poor knowledge of human nature and improper methods and the stagnation of the penis insertion vagina, not lack of friction or friction, not provoke or do not meet the ejaculation central excitation intensity, is the most common no orgasm causes;Sexual intercourse posture, individuals do not even know the part of the vagina, long-term for the anus or the urethra in sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse appeared to urinate (mostly men), sexual intercourse was interrupted by the afraid dirty wet sheets, penis after urination weak, cannot continue to intercourse.Men don't correct sex conceptIn thought to the bedroom with some "bumps", sex as a disaster, much of the sex education for small distorted into a dirty, dirty and obscene things;Some religions think sex is the behavior of crime, the vagina is filthy, unwilling to sexual intercourse and the vagina ejaculation;Or are not satisfied with is the spouse, love love does not forget the old lover;Hostile spouses, suspect that his wife was having an affair.The woman had been raped or had sexual experience, her husband for hire;Or get married liability, thought pressure, libido collapse.Wedding due to nervousness, sex life after a failed several times, by his wife cold and antipathy, formative malignant stimulation, gradually lost interest to the opposite sex, loss of libido, avoid sexual intercourse, even lead to couple quarreled.Had sex experience setbacksAfter marriage because of many factors or ambition temporary don't want to birth, using in vitro row measures, condoms and other contraceptives.To plan to have children, but it was not affected by psychological factors and ejaculation.Masturbation as intercourse activity was found and punished, cause trauma;Unmarried cohabitation pregnancy criticized, brings about the fear of pregnancy, after marriage don't ejaculation;Frequent masturbation before marriage to the intense stimulation, is under the influence of all kinds of false propaganda about masturbation, knew the penis in the vagina after marriage under reach masturbation degree of stimulation, not orgasm;Emotional hurt or not, have a fear of ejaculation;Psychological abnormalities, was having an affair with a sexual climax, and knew his wife was asexual orgasm, department of secondary chance without climax;The two sides cooperate.Objective environment lead to a climaxMany objective factors such as housing is narrow small, a few mouth together one room, noisy environment, are likely to form inhibition;Between the work of the two parties to work time is differ, sexual activity not harmonious;The husband work too tired, etc.In addition, the past has a normal orgasm, but for the sake of prolonging the sexual intercourse, by adopting the way of distracting, get into the habit of delayed ejaculation, may eventually lead to cannot reach orgasm.At that time, no matter what also didn't work for * * to be stimulated strongly, until it is too tired and have to suspend activities.Woman who enjoy the male orgasm brings pleasure, and once the anxious stage still cannot reach orgasm, the woman to continue to sexual stimulation of the pain gradually, this kind of psychological, in turn, increase the man's psychological burden.Organ in natural problemAnd about 1/10 of the patient whether awake or asleep, asexual under any circumstances, neurological factors, mainly caused by brain dysfunction, inhibitory strengthening of sexual excitement, especially for the ejaculation central inhibitory to strengthen, patients of asexual orgasm and ejaculation.Side of the brain lesions.Lesions occur after each part of the body, even if the normal sexual desire, sexual and asexual orgasm, if the side lobe resection, can cause abnormal state, a permanent ejaculatory dysfunction.Spinal cord injury, especially the 12 thoracic - lumbar and sacral spinal paragraphs 1 damage.Conduction, neurological disorders, such as thoracic lumbar sympathetic nerve resection, retroperitoneal lymph node cleaning technique can damage nerve, cause the asexual climax.

Commonly used sunscreen would affect the male reproductive abili

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Now men also began to pay attention to skin care, skin care, sun protection is indispensable, sunscreen began to be widely used.But recent studies have said contain sunscreen material such as sunscreen to protect skin to taste will affect male fertility.Sunscreen can really reduce the male reproductive ability?To understand together.The national institute of child health and human development researchers published in the American journal of epidemiology, the article says sunscreen, shampoo and moisturizing emulsion in sunscreen material affect the male reproductive ability.According to the researchers, some can isolate uv light material, such as BP - 2 and 4 oh - BP may be absorbed through the skin into the human body, affect the endocrine system and hormone levels, will reduce nearly thirty percent of male reproductive ability.Although women use protect skin to taste the frequency is much higher than the male, but they're not affected by these substances.The researchers say, considering the sunscreen can effectively prevent skin cancer, they don't recommend men stopped.For those who want to do father, every time can enter indoor put sunscreen wash out in time, and to use less or stop using other sunscreen function of chemical products.

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