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Thursday 08 January, 2015 | RSS Feed

The older have sex has five advantages

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Recently published in the American journal of health more than one article illustrates many of the views of sex therapists, explicitly pointed out that, the effects of aging and sex, sex may be more satisfied after the age of 50.1. Sexuality may be betterUniversity of Miami miller school of medicine, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, says Dr Richards was birth control pills inhibit sexual desire after the age of 50 will release again, sexual desire may be better.In addition, after the age of 50, couples are more liberal, occasionally use help to orgasm, also have not cannot.2. Sex without interferenceAfter the age of 50, sex is not the child's interference, sleep will not be a child to wake at night.Dr Richards said, for sex, time is a key factor.Once the child grew and became husband and wife will be more "two people" world "of time, more amazing sex.3. Don't worry about pregnancy"Thirty as wolves, forty like a tiger."But you still want for business, food and clothing live line work for the child, also need to be careful of contraception.Tamar at the university of Colorado health sciences center, a professor of medicine at weill, says Dr Mann, a lot of women in their 40 s and 50 s are still worried about during pregnancy, and once in the menopause, such worries will disappear.4. The economy more stableEconomy more stable after the age of 50, improve housing conditions, can open up any room for sex.As long as want, luxury lingerie is not a problem.Richards, says Dr In such aspects as romance and travel, women after the age of 50 than stronger economic governance ability when I was young.5. Career pressure is smallerAfter the year lead half hundred, career basically stable, though still a little pressure, but pressure is no longer greater than when I was young.Dr Richards said, women after menopause is more likely to achieve career peak, so the pressure will be smaller.The pressure is a big killer of sexual desire.

How to cleaning the men's special area ?

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Daily cleaning nakedness is not only a woman.Scrotum, penis skin wrinkles, sweat is much, strong production force, especially in chemical fiber underwear, can make the ventilation situation become worse, so a lot of sweat, residual urine, and knew not wipe waste slag, husband and wife left female sexual fluids, and semen will pollution to the whole of the penis and scrotum and perineal area.This kind of condition for bacteria and other microorganisms breeding, if not clean, will not only have a bad smell, but also not conducive to the health of the skin.Men are like women, insist on a day to wash, to the perineum do a cleaning.Be careful not to use too hot water.Don't look down upon to wash down the matter, don't become a mere formality, otherwise may be wasted effort, even counterproductive.Such as some graph save trouble, wash feet with water to make a wash finished, little imagine perineum, the spread of athlete's foot mold forming tinea.Cleaning before the reproductive organs, and then wash the anus, after the anus is not in the same basin of water to wash the reproductive organs.Dry the order just like the above, to prepare a towel alone, don't wash feet and towel to mix.Wipe after washed with clean water towel to dry.Often self-examination right testis: both hands respectively light side of the testis, thumb light touch and moving the fingers of the other also, thoroughly check for lumps or touch, strange appearance.Behind the epididymis in the testes, quality of a material is a bit hard, easily mistaken for tumor.Testicles have the following symptoms, please go to a doctor immediately check: testicular lumps;Testicular pain, swelling and tenderness;The scrotal skin ulceration.

News for Sunday 04 January, 2015

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