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Monday 24 November, 2014 | RSS Feed

Sex was suddenly interrupted what consequence would appear

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You have encountered such a situation, your sex fierce when there is a call came in and can not meet someone to call you, but when you sex fierce, someone knocked on the door, or a child suddenly ran into the room, or a child suddenly wake up, what would you do?Sex is that living is interrupted, then what harm sex is interrupted?To introduce the below.Cause men impotenceDon't move, can let a man the most strict collapsed, nothing can make men more timid than this.Suddenly the dangers of sexual intercourse is great, because it can only be terminated sex, and sex of the central nervous activity and sexual organs are still in a state of excitement, hyperemia, mood is excited, nervous, like the bowstring cited but not fat, not relaxed soon.Sexual excitement will fade, of course, but then the nerve reflex arc lifting and sexual excitement fades far from fading after ejaculation came quickly, in this way, will increase the burden of the nervous system and organ.Over time, it is easy to induce the occurrence of impotence.

In the early morning of a man's sexual desire is it really stron

by Administrator | post a comment

Generally speaking, men's sexual desire strong than women.But when a man's sexual desire is, one day, when really the strongest man's sex drive?Many people said that sex in the evening, should be the strongest in the evening?Also, some say, men have erections phenomenon in the morning, it should be the strongest in the morning!So, exactly when, strongest man's sex drive?Here, let's take a look at.Men and women sex concept of time is differentEarly in the morning, I saw her naked, lying on his side, white skin, eyes tight shut, white teeth, lips, as has just landed from heaven angel.For any morning men, this will make him desire fire unbearable.Peng said that most men like to make love in the morning, by contrast, women prefer to keep the sex in the quiet night.The human body is the most relaxed sexual desire mostOver the centuries, differences between male and female is always a focus in the study of sexologists.Sexologist xiaohui peng said that in the human body is the most relaxed, sexual desire is the strongest.Early in the morning, after the men after a rest, physical strength is the most abundant, psychological also relatively relaxed.You see sexy lover, the man is easy to want to turn over, direct pressure on her.But for women, sex, they need enough foreplay.Time in a hurry in the morning, after waking up, their first thought is to wash gargle, tidy up, no mood to make love.In the early morning of sex is necessarySo, the morning sex really necessary?Of course, the answer is yes.Man if you want to enjoy this wonderful opportunity to learn to mobilize their partner's sexual interest.For example, first wash your mouth, then she wake up with a warm way, hug and kiss her, let her eyes to see a smile.Men are strong sexuality, day and nightNot only is the early morning, evening and the most powerful male sexual desire.Experts, the survey found 10 PM around 16 points, is a man "sexuality" supreme moment of the day.According to the British "daily telegraph" reported recently, according to a survey of 5000 people, the men's sexual schedules have erratically, touch their "sex" pulse, can let husband and wife more happy life.The survey, about half past ten in the evening, "they're" more than sixty percent of men.Half the British men like 16 points, 10 PM start and his wife's trip to "close".Friday night at 9 PM, was the second largest men "sexy", came in third place was on Sunday night at half past nine.

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