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Thursday 06 November, 2014 | RSS Feed

Adjust the breathing to extend the time of making love

by Administrator | post a comment

If can temporarily stop breathing when making love, no matter male or female inhibitory excitement, delay the coming of the pleasure. , however, might be god's arrangement, women often not easy to adjust your breathing, make love soon felt shortness of breath, namely women to men with shortness of breath said he had an orgasm. After some training of men can control breath freely, besides can be severe piston movement, to encourage women to orgasm, but also in emergency control his before ejaculation, this technique is the patent of men. By men for the regulation of breathing to extend the time of sex, this is the ancients said the fairy, is the highest realm of sex, its main point is not to pull out after three close, but this is not mean to be three times ejaculation. First of all, an erect penis reached full wet vagina, must be careful with skill, after inserting men cannot only consider their own pleasure, and should see women response and dynamic, is the best policy. At that time, men learn to adjust breathing is the key to success. Because it can induce female orgasm many times, otherwise once the male ejaculation, sexual intercourse at the end of the will. Men should be at least put the penis in the vagina twenty to thirty minutes, repeat every five to seven minutes for a piston movement, to comfort women four or five times before ejaculation. Ejaculation is a process of reflection. First is the contraction of output from testicular tubule, then the epididymis head, body, followed by the tail of epididymis contraction. Through vas deferens sperm flooding into the vas deferens. Women as a result of the male sex campaigns, will soon reach orgasm. Meet the climax, men should be able to confirm this situation clearly, this is men's skills. As the ejaculation, the penis is soften, but at this time of the twitching gives intense stimulation to the female uterus, at the same time for the arrival. Women after the climax, about three to five minutes will restore, men should recover after repeat movement up and down, such as the female to another climax, with the taste of the both sides only on experience to experience. With a high degree of sexual pleasure, consciousness is blurred, some women can make voice calls, and a few women may be accompanied by ejaculation phenomenon, this process lasted only about 10 seconds.

Young women would appear sex apathy ?

by Administrator | post a comment

There are many causes of sex apathy. Age is just one of these reasons, so age leads to the greater the chance of sex apathy, but can't say. On the other hand the smaller the possibility of a young female sex apathy but not necessarily didn't. It could also be other reasons lead to sex apathy. The cause of sex apathy generally divided into two cases, first is the psychological reason, second is the physical reason. So the young female is likely sexless. Steps/methods: 1 first, physical reasons, such as age, physical save all aspects of the function to drop, lust will be greatly reduced, resulting in sex apathy. Also, the body has some disease also leads to apathy. For example, some patients due to a serious lack of gonad function, the secretion of prolactin pituitary adenoma organic disease, such as lead to decreased sexual function. Step 1 2 second, psychological reasons: some women may be from a young age is affected by the more conservative ideas, lead to psychologically think sex is a very dirty, so more repulsive behavior, lead to apathy. Another is that in childhood or adolescence with certain psychological trauma, cause psychological shadow. Step 2 3 in the end, for sexless prevention also introduce you to everybody. The psychological factors lead to apathy majority, so first of all, most women should be conservative before correct understanding, to eliminate the negative psychological factors. There is between husband and wife to caress each other, cooperate better cooperate in sex. Note: If there are the diseases of the body do not ashamed to say but not cure, it will lead to the deterioration of conditions, so once found that should be treated immediately, it has a high quality of sexual life. At ordinary times can also see more related books, improve sexual knowledge.

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