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Thursday 23 October, 2014 | RSS Feed

how many times Spermatorrhea is normal

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Male spermatorrhea several times in order to be normal? For normal male, spermatorrhea is a normal physiological phenomenon, but if happen frequently, will seriously affect the men's health, caused by some diseases such as sexual dysfunction, so, what kind of spermatorrhea is normal? Exactly how to solve the problem of pollution? Spermatorrhea is rare in boys under the age of 12, 14 years old boy spermatorrhea incidence was 25%, 55%, 16, 18, at 70%, 20 years old to 75 ~ 80%, and 45 at least 90% of the men in a certain situation spermatorrhea. 40% of women will have sexual dream to have an orgasm. So, most of adolescent boys spermatorrhea will happen sooner or later, the incidence of average 1 times a week, and can be as low as 0.5 times a week, and can also be up to several times a week, it is normal. Boy from higher social and economic status of family and education more boys, are more likely to happen, spermatorrhea, this may be due to these men have stronger ability of sexual fantasies and dreams, but also because they have less of the other sex outlet. Not surprisingly, single adult male with a divorced man, will be higher than the married man seminal emission rates. There is no doubt that the spermatorrhea incidence of imprisoned man, obviously is higher than that of free life man. Seminal emission can be a single man of middle school culture level of 8% of all sexual way; Seminal emission can be a single man of university culture level all sexual way of 10 ~ 16%. The climax of the married man with 2 ~ 6% from spermatorrhea. In men, spermatorrhea is most often seen from adolescence to the period before the age of 30. 39 health network edit summary: male spermatorrhea several times in order to be frequent? Physiological puberty male spermatorrhea 1 ~ 2 times a month, as is normal, don't worry, if you really serious, adverse symptoms early treatment to normal hospital, in order to avoid adverse consequences, delay the disease! wholesale male enhancement pills

Men how to prolong sex time ?

by Administrator | post a comment

Choose thicker condoms Rapid ejaculation is often because male genitalia is too sensitive to stimuli, so can choose thicker condoms, reduce the stimulation of the glans penis, could be that men may insist on longer. Master the skill Correct sexual technique can effectively extend the sex of the time, how to do, in the process of thrusting shades alternately, do not blindly violent thrusting, thus wasting energy, and can't insist too long; Try to maintain a comfortable position and don't let the sustained strong extrusion; In the process of sex can be changed by changing the posture, efforts to transform exciting place. Pay attention to diet The role of a lot of food have strong kidney solid essence, such as liver, shrimp, crab, kelp, garlic, spinach, etc., appropriate eat more at ordinary times the food can improve the quality of sex, can raise renal protection again. Exercise more Improve the physical quality to fundamentally improve the quality of sex, especially men, strong physique as durable sex through power, avoid the occurring of overwhelmed, best to improve the quantity of sex of sport is running and swimming, can effectively exercise the leg and the waist strength; In addition, come back in half an hour every day, and continuous do 50-100 squats, to fixing sperm strong kidney effect is obvious. wholesale male enhancement pills

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